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installation on a single computer

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Jun 2, 2019, 5:16:15 AM6/2/19
to AtoM Users

I am new to atom and want to test, if it suits the needs for the collection I am responsible for. Thus I want to install it on a single computer. I prepared an older HP laptop and was able to install Ubuntu Linux on it. But I am also new to Linux and am not familiar with all the very technical stuff and terms. I understand that atom runs on a server and normal computers are clients to it. But is it possible to install all the necessary things onto my Ubuntu computer and use it anyway?

I went through the demo here, but in order to convince the company's CEOs I would like to set-up our own collection in atom. Also we do not have a computer department here and would need to pay someone to set-up a test server, which I can not do in this stadium.

Thanks for any help!

Karl Goetz

Jun 2, 2019, 7:10:07 PM6/2/19
to, Dan Gillean
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 02:16:15 -0700 (PDT) wrote:

> Hi,


(CC Dan see last bit)

> I am new to atom and want to test, if it suits the needs for the
> collection I am responsible for. Thus I want to install it on a
> single computer. I prepared an older HP laptop and was able to
> install Ubuntu Linux on it. But I am also new to Linux and am not
> familiar with all the very technical stuff and terms. I understand
> that atom runs on a server and normal computers are clients to it.
> But is it possible to install all the necessary things onto my Ubuntu
> computer and use it anyway?

It certainly is - you should be able to install Ubuntu desktop then
all Atoms requirements and be up and running.

> I went through the demo here, but in order to convince the company's
> CEOs I would like to set-up our own collection in atom. Also we do
> not have a computer department here and would need to pay someone to
> set-up a test server, which I can not do in this stadium.

I was going to suggest using the existing demo, but its throwing an
error at the moment!

Despite that there has been considerable discussion aruond docker in
this list; if you are more familiar with that tool it may help get you
on the right path.


Karl Goetz
Technical Services Officer - eResearch, Information Technology Services
University of Tasmania & Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing

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Dan Gillean

Jun 3, 2019, 11:19:41 AM6/3/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi there, 

You are correct that AtoM is intended to be installed on a server when used in production. However, if you are looking for an easier way to install a local test instance on a laptop, you might want to check out our Vagrant box. See: 
Note that there have been a few bugs reported in the Docker compose set up recently, with workarounds posted here in the forum. We are hoping to update the instructions and environment soon! In the meantime, here's a link to all threads in the forum tagged "Docker" - I would recommend referring to them if you run into any installation issues, if you try this option: 
Finally, I don't know what happened to the demo test site, but it seems to be working now! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Jun 11, 2019, 2:37:51 AM6/11/19
to AtoM Users


I'm really sorry for this very late reply! I had no time to dig deeper into my atom ideas, but will later this week. Every help is appreciated and I know it was not very kind to keep you waiting that long. I then will try installing it on that HP laptop that I prepared.

Thanks again,

Jun 11, 2019, 2:50:19 AM6/11/19
to AtoM Users

Hi Dan,

it is not very kind from me to keep you waiting for an answer, as you answered my request quite quick. Thanks a lot for your help. I failed using virtiual machines and docker on my Mac, there always was some issue I couldn't solve. Even a native Linux installation on it wasn't very successfull, as I do not know any Linux people and couldn't solve the - maybe little - issues that came up. Linux isn't as easy to use as Linux people always claim. Also I'm not allowed to play around on my work computer and we do not have a computer expert here with our little organisation. So I somehow stick to something I can do at home with an old, borrowed laptop. And I need to see how installation works and how it is to set it up from the beginning.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Am Montag, 3. Juni 2019 17:19:41 UTC+2 schrieb Dan Gillean:
Hi there, 

You are correct that AtoM is intended to be installed on a server when used in production. However, if you are looking for an easier way to install a local test instance on a laptop, you might want to check out our Vagrant box. See: 
Note that there have been a few bugs reported in the Docker compose set up recently, with workarounds posted here in the forum. We are hoping to update the instructions and environment soon! In the meantime, here's a link to all threads in the forum tagged "Docker" - I would recommend referring to them if you run into any installation issues, if you try this option: 
Finally, I don't know what happened to the demo test site, but it seems to be working now! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Jun 25, 2019, 12:43:04 AM6/25/19
to AtoM Users

Thanks everyone! I obviously failed installing AtoM as I couldn't open it. I followed all the installation steps and thought I would have successfully installed it. I have no idea why and where there was a problem. As a non-Linux guy I can not solve this.

So, good luck with AtoM. As a big fan of such projects, I really hope, it spreads. But for my work I  have to look for something more reliable.

Dan Gillean

Jun 25, 2019, 10:28:48 AM6/25/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Bernd, 

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been successful in setting up a test instance of AtoM! I would be happy to keep advising you and offering troubleshooting suggestions, but also understand if you've reached the limit of what you have time to experiment with. We generally do recommend that users installing and maintaining AtoM have some familiarity with systems administration, the unix command-line, and linux-based systems. If you are interested in continuing, let us know where you've gotten stuck, and what you've tried thus far to resolve it, and we'll see if we can provide further guidance. 

Additionally, if your organization is interested in using AtoM but doesn't want to be responsible for installing and maintaining it, Artefactual does offer hosting plans - see: 
As Karl has previously mentioned, you can test out just about everything except digital object upload and import on our public demo site, here: 
Either way, we wish you the best of luck in selecting an application for your organization. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

On Tue, Jun 25, 2019 at 12:43 AM <> wrote:

Thanks everyone! I obviously failed installing AtoM as I couldn't open it. I followed all the installation steps and thought I would have successfully installed it. I have no idea why and where there was a problem. As a non-Linux guy I can not solve this.

So, good luck with AtoM. As a big fan of such projects, I really hope, it spreads. But for my work I  have to look for something more reliable.

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