On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 02:16:15 -0700 (PDT)
tr...@wrgstl.de wrote:
> Hi,
(CC Dan see last bit)
> I am new to atom and want to test, if it suits the needs for the
> collection I am responsible for. Thus I want to install it on a
> single computer. I prepared an older HP laptop and was able to
> install Ubuntu Linux on it. But I am also new to Linux and am not
> familiar with all the very technical stuff and terms. I understand
> that atom runs on a server and normal computers are clients to it.
> But is it possible to install all the necessary things onto my Ubuntu
> computer and use it anyway?
It certainly is - you should be able to install Ubuntu desktop then
all Atoms requirements and be up and running.
> I went through the demo here, but in order to convince the company's
> CEOs I would like to set-up our own collection in atom. Also we do
> not have a computer department here and would need to pay someone to
> set-up a test server, which I can not do in this stadium.
I was going to suggest using the existing demo, but its throwing an
error at the moment!
Despite that there has been considerable discussion aruond docker in
this list; if you are more familiar with that tool it may help get you
on the right path.
Karl Goetz
Technical Services Officer - eResearch, Information Technology Services
University of Tasmania & Tasmanian Partnership for Advanced Computing
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