Hide Login button from Atom Home Page for internet users

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Gianfrancisco Nunes

Aug 25, 2022, 7:51:34 AM8/25/22
to AtoM Users
Hide Login button from Atom Home Page for internet users

Pessoal, alguém sabe se tem alguma configuração para ocultar/esconder o botão de fazer login no Atom para usuários da internet e deixar visível para usuários da rede interna?

Guys, does anyone know if there is any setting to hide/hide the login button on Atom for internet users and make it visible to internal network users?

Dan Gillean

Aug 25, 2022, 8:22:29 AM8/25/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Gianfranciso, 

There is a setting to hide the login button in AtoM, but it does not include options to hide it for public IPs and display it for internal network users. See: 
With this setting in place, your staff users would manually navigate to /user/login to authenticate. 

One additional step you could take would be to use a custom rule for your Nginx webserver to restrict access to /user/login to anyone who does not originate from a specific IP address or range. You can find examples of how to add such a rule to the Nginx configuration block in the Nginx documentation, and many other places online. 

Unfortunately, I am not sure it would be possible to use Nginx to hide a specific page element like the login button on the homepage (or any other public page) depending on IP.

Finally, one additional option for larger sites or more security-oriented sites would be to use a two-site deployment, with a replication script to copy content periodically from your internal staff edit site to your read-only public AtoM site. For more information on this, see: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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