Clipboard sending - AtoM 2.6.4

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Michael Wenke

Sep 7, 2021, 7:14:05 PM9/7/21
to AtoM Users
Anyone had trouble getting 'clipboard sending' to work correctly in AtoM 2.6.4. Have tested it according to documentation , but with limited success. Client is taken to the URL I've entered in the settings, but the clipboard contents are not being picked up and populated in the request form I'm using.
Regards - Michael, ArchivesACT Canberra

Dan Gillean

Sep 8, 2021, 9:42:32 AM9/8/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Michael, 

Can you tell us more about how you are trying to receive the content on the other side? Additionally, are you using GET or POST in the clipboard send settings?

The Bernard Becker Medical Library Archives at Washington University in St. Louis is the institution who sponsored the feature - their staff are sometimes active on this forum so I'm hopeful they may see this and respond with some suggestions. They built a custom intermediary web page that receives the clipboard data and displays several further user options before sending the array of slugs to Aeon, since they use Aeon to manage reference requests. 

You can see this in action on their AtoM site - add some data to the clipboard ("My Requests" in their custom theme), and then use the send button on the clipboard - it will take you to the custom intermediary page with further options (dont' worry, until you click through the further options, you have not yet initiated an actual reference request with them). You can see the relevant slugs/descriptions listed on the right side of this custom intermediary web page. I'm not sure if using your browser tools to inspect the page might help understand how they have configured it, but maybe?

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
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Michael Wenke

Sep 10, 2021, 1:46:45 AM9/10/21
to AtoM Users
Thanks Dan for your suggestions.

I've had a look at the Bernard Becker Medical Library Archives and it seems like a good setup. I'm not familiar with Aeon, using Reftracker and have been talking to them too but it seems there is something missing re the JSON arrays. I'm talking to others in-house with more knowledge on these things than I, so hopefully will find a solution. As mentioned, we have a 'request' URL set up and I have put that in the settings page, just not picking up the metadata.

I have tried POST & GET, both without success.

Thanks again

Michael, ArchivesACT Canberra
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