Edit button not displayed for editor User Group

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Ad Axem

Oct 4, 2023, 9:51:17 AM10/4/23
to AtoM Users
Good afternoon,

This issue has been reproduced in AtoM dual language (English - Greek) AtoM instances ranging from 2.6.4 to the latest version.

When logging in as a User who belongs to the editor User Group, the Edit button in archival records is displayed in one of the instance languages (usually English, but not always, depending on the software version) but not the other.

We have found no way to get rid of the issue, regardless of how the User Group permissions are setup for the authenticated and editor User Groups (unchanged from the original installation permissions, specifically granting Edit rights to the editor User Group, specifically granting Edit rights to the authenticated User Group and inheriting this to the editor User Group, or specifically granting Edit rights to both the authenticated and editor User Groups).

Could you please try to reproduce this and indicate whether any workaround is possible at this point, regardless of how it is achieved (i.e. via security.yml files, the UI options, or any other way)?

Many thanks in advance.

Dan Gillean

Oct 5, 2023, 8:56:27 AM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Efthimios, 

Have you tried the following?
  • In the installation culture UI, navigate to Admin > Groups, and find the Editor group
  • Enter edit mode
  • Set the "Allow translation" radio button to "Yes" and  save
  • Log out and test as an Editor
Note that individual user accounts will also have an "Allowed languages for translation" autocomplete, so you can also try explicitly adding support for the second language to the user that way - however, in my quick internal test, doing the above was enough for my Editor to be able to make changes to records when the language of the UI is flipped to something secondary. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Efthimios Mavrikas

Oct 5, 2023, 12:23:37 PM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dan,

Thank you for this workaround.

The proposed method does indeed make the Edit button appear in the secondary language.

Unfortunately, after doing this, we’ve discovered additional inconsistencies, such as the More menu being displayed in the primary language but not the secondary language.

Any other workarounds we could try for those?

Dan Gillean

Oct 5, 2023, 2:41:30 PM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Efthimios, 

Especially with an aging application that attempts to handle internationalization for both content and UI elements, there are bound to be more issues that crop up ;)

In this case, there are two workarounds, one immediate, one more long-term: 

First, the More menu will show up in the Translation menu, so you can immediately make a local translation. Here's an example of me finding the entry while in the French UI on the demo site: 


This is short-term, because right now AtoM does not have a way to carry local UI translations forward into future upgrades. We have an old issue ticket for this here: 
Meaning that for now, you will need to redo this and other similar interventions after upgrades. 

The longer-term solution for new installations is to ensure that a translation has been added in Weblate, so it is part of the fixtures. I believe this has actually been done for Greek already: 
...which brings us to the NEXT known issue - right now, newly translated fixtures (i.e. default database content like some terms, etc) are ONLY available in new installations - we do not have a method of making new fixture translations available following upgrades. I believe this is because the fixtures are stored in the code, and used to seed the database when it is first created... but when you upgrade, you overwrite the default new state by loading your previous database. Once again, we have an older wishlist ticket for this issue: 
In the short term, I hope that using the local translation interface will help you get one step closer! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
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Efthimios Mavrikas

Oct 5, 2023, 2:56:57 PM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Dan,

Oh, so the first place we should be looking at if we are missing some button or UI option in a secondary language, for a User Group other than administrator, is a potential missing translation string for that language?

Dan Gillean

Oct 5, 2023, 3:17:15 PM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
If it is falling back to the default culture, then yes. If it is missing entirely (as with the missing edit button eariler), then it's more likely a permissions issue of some kind. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 2:56 PM Efthimios Mavrikas <efth...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Dan,

Oh, so the first place we should be looking at if we are missing some button or UI option in a secondary language, for a User Group other than administrator, is a potential missing translation string for that language?

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Efthimios Mavrikas

Oct 5, 2023, 3:23:38 PM10/5/23
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Thank you Dan, as always 🙏🏻

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