New user with three questions: Sidebar Fonts, static page HTML, and changing element values

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Nov 26, 2016, 7:35:19 AM11/26/16
to AtoM Users
Hello All,

I'm relatively new to this software, but I've downloaded a standalone copy (2.4) on my laptop to test the functionality and present it as a possible solution new week.

My first question is related to the font size of the side bar (the "Browse By" and "Popular This Week"), is there a way to change these?  I find them strangely small compared to the rest of the site.

Second question, the static pages can take HTML, which I've been using, but adding tags generates a lot of <br/> when I view the page.  For example, I wanted two photos side by side, but after each <img> tag, atom automatically adds a <br/>.  I created a <table> to sidestep the issue, but I find otherwise there are a lot of white spaces.

And third, the value for the elements (scope and content, archival history), is there a way in the code to change them?  I want the "note" element to read "location note" for example.

And this is not as much a question, but when I was first messing with the installation, I deleted the "manage" page from the "Admin/Menus" page, which led to the entire site turning completely blank.  Oddly, if I signed out of the admin account, the content would come back.  But since that was the only admin account, I had to wipe and restart the instance. 



Dan Gillean

Dec 13, 2016, 11:46:21 AM12/13/16
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Lance,

This is coming very belatedly - apologies. I have been traveling for some time, and I know my other colleagues were swamped, and it seems no one else in the community has picked up this thread. I'll do what I can to respond now.

RE: the font size of the side bar on the home page
To change this you would have to make edits to the arDominionPlun, which is the base/default AtoM theme. We use Bootstrap 2.3.2 as the framework for our CSS, and build theme plugins as extensions of the base. I've shared some links to previous threads on theming in this thread recently:

You'll find the Dominion theme plugin in plugins/arDominionPlugin/css - here it is on Github in our 2.4.x development branch.

Using just my browser's inspect tools, I can see that the sidebar has an ID of "sidebar" - and just editing in my browser, if I add a font-size rule of 16px for that element, it seems to correctly only affect the sidebar - so you could try adding an ID-specific rule to the CSS files found in the plugin. I'm not a developer so I can't tell you exactly where or how this should best be done - you might have to experiment.

Note that after any changes to the theme, you'll have to recompile the CSS - from AtoM's root directory, run:
  • make -C plugins/arDominionPlugin

You'll also want to clear the application cache and restart PHP-FPM, just to be sure. If you're running  your AtoM by following our default Ubuntu 14.04 installation instructions, you can enter:

  • php symfony cc
  • sudo service php5-fpm restart

RE: HTML in the static pages

As I understand it, there are some helper functions built into the page to assist people just entering raw text, who don't know HTML - so adding a couple line breaks will be interpreted as a <br/> element on save. Can you try just not using line breaks, and instead using the HTML to control the layout? It makes your HTML less readable at a glance but as far as I'm aware this should stop the additional elements from being added and solve your issue. I haven't tested it yet though. Let us know how it goes.

RE: Deleting the Manage menu

This is interesting and I've never tried this before, but I'm not surprised. I'm glad you managed to recover your site. There are some elements in AtoM that have been coded as if every single element is customizable via the user interface, but in reality there are some exceptions that will break the functionality - it looks like you've discovered one of them. In 2.3 there is an option to hide the Language menu in Admin > Settings > Default page elements, but my guess is that removing any of the main menus entirely will break AtoM - the one exception might be the QuickLinks menu. It would be great to improve this, but it would require investigation, analysis, and development. For now, if you don't want your users acessing those menus, remove some of the nodes and control access via the Permissions module and Users/Groups.


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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