2.5 to 2.8 upgrade

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Feb 28, 2024, 5:37:46 AMFeb 28
to AtoM Users
HI all, 

Am currently going through an upgrade from 2.5 to 2.8 - following from this I am getting: 

2024/02/28 10:28:47 [error] 44371#44371: *134 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'SearchAdvancedAction' not found in /usr/share/nginx/atom/apps/qubit/modules/search/actions/globalReplaceAction.class.php:20
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/share/nginx/atom/cache/qubit/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php(612): require_once()
#1 /usr/share/nginx/atom/cache/qubit/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php(595): sfController->controllerExists()
#2 /usr/share/nginx/atom/lib/model/QubitObject.php(222): sfController->actionExists()
#3 /usr/share/nginx/atom/apps/qubit/modules/menu/actions/quickLinksMenuComponent.class.php(43): QubitObject::actionExistsForUrl()
#4 /usr/share/nginx/atom/vendor/symfony/lib/helper/PartialHelper.php(388): menuQuickLinksMenuComponent->execute()
#5 /usr/share/nginx/atom/vendor/symfony/lib/helper/PartialHelper.php(150): _call_component()
#6 /usr/share/nginx/atom/apps/qubit/templates/_header.php(37): get_component()
#7 /usr/share/nginx/atom/cache/qubit/prod/config/config_core_compile.yml.php(3898): require('/usr/share/n" while reading response header from upstream

I've done this on a totally new server and ensured the dependances are for a fresh 2.8 install. I can't see anything prohibiting a straight 2.5 to 2.8 upgrade - do I need to go version to version to upgrade this? 

Any thoughts?



Feb 28, 2024, 5:58:48 AMFeb 28
to AtoM Users
Should have added - the current output is that it appears on the page as follows: 

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 10.58.03.png

Dan Gillean

Feb 28, 2024, 8:48:39 AMFeb 28
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Hi Richard, 

With 2.x releases, you do not need to individually upgrade through each subsequent version - upgrading straight from 2.5.x to 2.8.x should be fine. 

I recently shared a sort of super-thread for troubleshooting common issues in AtoM - it includes a subsection on common upgrade issues. My first guess would be that one of the problems 3 or 4 in that subsection may be the cause here (forgot to drop and recreate the database BEFORE loading your 2.5 data, or forgot to run the upgrade task and restart services AFTER loading your 2.5 sqldump). Will you please review and try some of the suggestions in this thread, and let us know how it goes? See: 
If that doesn't work, it will be helpful to first know more about your installation environment and the actions you've taken so far, such as: 
  • What is the full AtoM version number or your installation, as found in Admin > Settings? You can also check via the command-line with this task if the user interface isn't working
  • Did you follow exactly the recommended installation instructions for your 2.8 version - i.e. Ubuntu 20.04, PHP 7.4, Elasticsearch 5.6, Nginx webserver, etc? If no, what changes have you made?
  • Did you install by following Option 1 (use our downloadable tarball) or Option 2 (install from our GitHub code repository)?
  • Are you using a custom theme, and/or does your installation have any other local code customizations or changes?
  • If no, are you using the older Bootstrap 2 Dominion theme, or the new Bootstrap 5 Dominion theme included in 2.7 and later?
  • Does your AtoM installation meet the recommended minimum hardware requirements listed here? Most importantly, do  you have 7GB or more of memory?
  • Anything else about your installation environment, your data, etc that you think it would be useful for us to know? Any additional actions you have tried since to resolve the issue (and their outcome)?
Please provide as much information in response as you can, as it will allow us to offer better suggestions for resolving your issue. Hopefully with that, we can offer some good suggestions on next steps. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
he / him

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