OAI repository link returning 404 error

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Jun 22, 2020, 7:51:10 AM6/22/20
to AtoM Users
I am responsible for an AtoM archive on a virtualized server with Ubuntu 18.04, managed by a Plesk environment. My AtoM version is 2.5.2 and the app is located on a subfolder of the http server, running alongside with several other applications, some third party, some custom build. The root of the server is occupied by one such app. 

Currently I am working on activating the OAI-PMH module. I followed the documentation step by step, but my OAI link (http://portal.cehr.ft.lisboa.ucp.pt/arquivos/;oai) is just returning a 404 error. I tested with different OAI-PMH validators, also with a script i built myself that works on other AtoM instalations, and the 404 error is always returned.

I tried a fresh installation on another folder of the same machine to see if there was some database related issue (my original installation was made on version 2.2) and the problem persists. I have full access to the database and the development machine, but clearing the cache, rebooting the server and other similar tasks did not solve anything.

Is there any additional configuration that I am not aware of that needs to be made in order for the OAI-PMH plugin work on such an environment?

Best regards. 
AtoM - Plugins.png
AtoM - 404.png
AtoM - Config.png

H Silva

Jun 22, 2020, 10:57:01 AM6/22/20
to AtoM Users

O "Código Repositório OAI" está empty.

Hope this helps.

H Gomes Silva

Dan Gillean

Jun 23, 2020, 12:42:41 PM6/23/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi ther

I suspect that if you take a look at your webserver error logs, you will see a message something like this: 

The component does not exist: "arOaiPlugin", "badVerb"" while reading response header from upstream

Ideally, this would return a valid OAI response with this "badVerb" message displayed as the OAI repository's response (rather than a 404 or a blank page), but this is a minor issue overall. The main factor here is that you have submitted no OAI verb, and just navigating to /;oai is not considered a valid request. 

If I navigate to the following URL:
Then I get a valid response, like so: 

<OAI-PMH xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/OAI-PMH.xsd">
<request verb="Identify">https://portal.cehr.ft.lisboa.ucp.pt/;oai</request>
   <repositoryName>PAPIR - Plataforma de Arquivos Pessoais e de Instituições Religiosas</repositoryName>
     <oai-identifier xmlns="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai-identifier.xsd">

Notice as well that I followed Gomes' suggestion of adding /index.php/ to your URL. 

I suggest that: 

1) Make sure your base URL in Admin > Settings > Site information is correct - it looks like in the response it is missing the /arquivos/ subdirectory. In general, we recommend using subdomains instead of subdirectories, but with some careful implementation you can make this work. 
2) If you don't like the /index.php/ being added to your URLs, see the suggestion in this thread for how you could potentially remove it
3) I would recommend adding a repository identifier in the OAI settings, as Gomes suggested
4) Review the supported OAI verbs in our documentation, here: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Jun 23, 2020, 12:59:27 PM6/23/20
to AtoM Users
Thanks for the explanation. 

In the end, the problem was just that I was missing the index.php in the link I was trying to use (like stated in an answer before). Instead of http://portal.cehr.ft.lisboa.ucp.pt/arquivos/;oai, the correct link was http://portal.cehr.ft.lisboa.ucp.pt/arquivos/index.php/;oai, as you used. All the examples in the documentation did not include the index.php on the URL for the requests, so I assumed that it was not needed under any situation. Apparently that is not the case in all of the server configurations.

Thanks again for the help.
Best regards
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Dan Gillean

Jun 23, 2020, 1:10:18 PM6/23/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
I think this may have to do with your webserver configuration, and possibly the subdirectory configuration in particular. If I look at a site like Strathclyde University (who have been using the OAI module for some time), no /index.php/ is needed in the URL:
This is also the case in my local test environment. So, perhaps there's something further for you to investigate there?

Anyway, I'm glad you're making headway!
Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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