I think the errors from the search page are probably a result of those
failed attempts to create a reference & thumbnail representation from
the PDF files. My best guess is that the system tried to save the
updated digital object information to the search index, but because
there was no thumbnail available, it corrupted that document in the index.
As far as I know, there's no way that copying over the files from your
old ICA-AtoM instance could cause issues with the search index (other
than the thumbnails going "missing" from the search results).
David Juhasz,
Software Engineer
Artefactual Systems Inc.
However, attempts at new uploads are now being met with a 500 error. I
haven't had a chance to investigate this side of things much further,
but any suggestions would be appreciated.
I can now upload pdfs and images again with reference/thumbnails just fine. However, I like to replace the reference representation for our box/folder lists with a small image that says 'box/folder list'. When I deleted the reference representation and added the 'list' image, I got the following error (via debug mode): Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/ltia/ icaatom-1.2.0/apps/qubit/modules/right/actions/editComponent.class.php on line 188 Fatal error: Call to a member function processForm() on a non-object in /var/www/ltia/icaatom-1.2.0/apps/qubit/modules/ digitalobject/actions/editAction.class.php on line 185 I get the same error when attempting to auto-generate a reference representation from the master image. This seems to be similar to the issues Jill was having, though we haven't gotten any Ghostscript errors popping up:http:// groups.google.com/group/ica-atom-users/browse_thread/thread/ 99bc2c14c652ebc0/b12746eb8f21e446?lnk=gst&q=on+line +185+#b12746eb8f21e446