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James Elder

Mar 19, 2023, 3:49:25 PM3/19/23
to AtoM Users
After a bit of trial and error, and assistance from Dan, I have completed installation of Atom 2.7 on Ubuntu 22.04.

NGINX is now serving it to the web, but I'm getting a 500 server error. Have followed the troubleshooting and debugging pages, and set the error messages to displaying on the web. I append the stack trace below.

I imagine that either 1) I may be missing something straightforward or 2) this may be another result of Ubuntu 22.04 running PHP8.1 as standard and hence that I've had to install the (deprecated) PHP7.4

Anyone have any ideas?



stack trace
  • at ()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfPropelPlugin/lib/vendor/propel/Propel.php line 529 ...
      1.                 // load connection parameter for master connection
      2.                 $conparams = isset(self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection']) ? self::$configuration['datasources'][$name]['connection'] : null;
      3.                 if (empty($conparams)) {
      4.                     throw new PropelException('No connection information in your runtime configuration file for datasource ['.$name.']');
      5.                 }
      6.                 // initialize master connection
      7.                 $con Propel::initConnection($conparams$name);
  • at Propel::getConnection()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/model/om/BaseObject.php line 64 ...
      1.   {
      2.     if (!isset($options['connection']))
      3.     {
      4.       $options['connection'] = Propel::getConnection(QubitObject::DATABASE_NAME);
      5.     }
      6.     self::addSelectColumns($criteria);
  • at BaseObject::get()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/routing/QubitResourceRoute.class.php line 28 ...
      1.         $criteria->add(QubitSlug::SLUG$params['slug']);
      2.         $criteria->addJoin(QubitSlug::OBJECT_IDQubitObject::ID);
      3.         $this->resource QubitObject::get($criteria)->__get(0);
      4.         if (false == @$params['throw404'] && !isset($this->resource)) {
      5.             throw new sfError404Exception();
      6.         }
  • at QubitResourceRoute->bind()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/vendor/symfony/lib/routing/sfPatternRouting.class.php line 372 ...
      1.     $this->ensureDefaultParametersAreSet();
      2.     $route->bind($this->options['context'], $info['parameters']);
      3.     $info['parameters']['_sf_route'] = $route;
      4.     return $info['parameters'];
  • at sfPatternRouting->parse()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/lib/QubitPatternRouting.class.php line 36 ...
      1.     public function parse($url)
      2.     {
      3.         try {
      4.             return parent::parse($url);
      5.         } catch (sfError404Exception $e) {
      6.             return false;
      7.         } catch (PropelException $e) {
  • at QubitPatternRouting->parse()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/cache/qubit/prod/config/config_factories.yml.php line 96 ...
      1.   'extra_parameters_as_query_string' => true,
      2.   'cache' => NULL,
      3. ))));
      4. if ($parameters $this->factories['routing']->parse($this->factories['request']->getPathInfo()))
      5. {
      6.   $this->factories['request']->addRequestParameters($parameters);
      7. }
  • at require('/usr/share/nginx/atom/cache/qubit/prod/config/config_factories.yml.php')
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfContext.class.php line 155 ...
      1.     }
      2.     // include the factories configuration
      3.     require($this->configuration->getConfigCache()->checkConfig('config/factories.yml'));
      4.     $this->dispatcher->notify(new sfEvent($this'context.load_factories'));
  • at sfContext->loadFactories()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfContext.class.php line 77 ...
      1.     try
      2.     {
      3.       $this->loadFactories();
      4.     }
      5.     catch (sfException $e)
      6.     {
  • at sfContext->initialize()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/vendor/symfony/lib/util/sfContext.class.php line 60 ...
      1.       throw new sfFactoryException(sprintf('Class "%s" is not of the type sfContext.'$class));
      2.     }
      3.     self::$instances[$name]->initialize($configuration);
      4.     return self::$instances[$name];
      5.   }
  • at sfContext::createInstance()
    in SF_ROOT_DIR/index.php line 6 ...
      1. require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php';
      2. $configuration ProjectConfiguration::getApplicationConfiguration('qubit''prod'true);
      3. sfContext::createInstance($configuration)->dispatch();

José Raddaoui

Mar 20, 2023, 11:05:22 AM3/20/23
to AtoM Users
Hi James,

This may be related to the permissions issue you were facing on If you executed the install task with sudo, the configuration files may not be accessible by the AtoM user. If that's the case, I'd try following Dan's instructions from the other thread:
Best regards,
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