Hi John,
Okay, thanks for the clarification and sorry for the confusion - I think I understand better now.
I'm still not sure as to the best way to proceed in troubleshooting this - our team can't recall seeing this before. One more clarifying question about the 2.4 snapshot you are trying to upgrade and load into the 2.6.1 development site: am I correct in assuming that you created this sqldump AFTER you had restored from backup and your production system was working as expected?
I'm trying to determine if we can rule out any sources of the issue. If the current production database can be loaded fine (i.e. you were trying to load a dump that had the original 500 error), then that should suggest that the pre-recovery snapshot has a setting or some kind of corruption in the database causing the problem. If it also doesn't work, then the issue is either not in the DB but in the deployment - or else some code change is affecting settings that previously worked in 2.4.
If you wanted to try creating a new sqldump and loading that, it might also be a good way of confirming that this isn't due to accidentally skipping one of the upgrade steps (such as dropping and recreating the database before loading your SQL dump, or running the upgrade task). It would also be useful to check what the database schema version is in your 2.4 production site (the second number shown next to the release number in Admin > Settings), to ensure that it's running the correct schema. Looking here in the
stable/2.4.x code, I believe the schema version should be v156 for a 2.4.1 installation.
Additionally - when upgrading, have you performed the following steps for custom themes in the 2.6.x site?
I don't know how likely it is that the custom theme is the source of the login issue, unless your custom theme also contains template overrides (i.e. custom version of page templates in the theme plugin), but it's worth double-checking.
Another thing you could try to narrow down the issue if you do want to rule out the theme as much as possible - switch your production site temporarily to the base Dominion theme, just long enough to create another sqldump, and then try loading and upgrading that into the development environment. That should help us determine if there is anything about the custom theme causing the issue. Additionally, you could double-check that there are no unexpected customizations to the Authenticated, and/or Administrator group permissions on the production site before creating your SQL dump, so we can also determine if the behavior is related to group permission customizations. If you do have customizations in the production site that you don't want to change, at least we can record what they are, to see if there's a change between 2.4 and 2.6.x that might have caused the resulting behavior of your customizations to change.
Anyway, hope this helps advance your troubleshooting. Let us know what you find!