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Hi Dan, sorry but I was on vacation.
Relationships are not displayed on the Authority edit page.
We update to version 2.6.0 in September.
I attach a document with a copy of the screens
Any idea where the problem may be?
Thanks a lot.
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php symfony cache:clear
php symfony propel:build-nested-set
sudo service memcached restart
sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm
So, it is better not to modify the default language? because in the manual are the option...
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Thank you very much for your help Dan!
Yes, we followed your recommended installation instructions for 2.6 and this information is correct:
I tell you about our current situation:
Today we have re-established the default culture of our installation to English again. And if we put it back in English, the list appears in the Relationships Area.
After checking the following tables:
... we have detected the following errors that we must correct:
About your suggestion related with table event we checked the event table and the event_i18n table with this SQL query too:
SELECT event_i18n.*, event.*
FROM event_i18n LEFT JOIN event
ON (event.id = event_i18n.id)
WHERE event.source_culture="es/ca/en"
... and the results obtained were:
I deduce that if we purge the
wrong translations and source_culture of the related records, they will also
disappear from the “events” and “event_i18n” tables.
Do you know if we can remove translations and
modify the source_culture without
losing information?
I have seen this discussion on the forum but I don't know if there is anything else on these topics: https://groups.google.com/g/ica-atom-users/c/XxMu3y5w2wU/m/ZcaWsIaGyFkJ
Our intention is to have the portal in Catalan to avoid forgetting the language change before identifying yourself (errors such as those that have already occurred) but we do not want to lose the functionality of the Relationships Area, so we appreciate any suggestions you can give us .
PS: I am attaching the excel with the results obtained for the Event-Type taxonomy where you can see that the translations to Accumulation, Creation, Collection, Contribution, Custody, Publication were created in Catalan and Spanish.
information_object + information_object_i18n
actor + actor_i18n
event + event_i18n
3. Aprovechamos para depurar todo lo que vimos incorrecto.
4. Cambiamos el idioma a catalán y funcionó.
Como saben nuestra instalación de AtoM se realizó en un primer momento con el idioma por defecto en Inglés pero luego lo hemos modificado a catalán ya que tanto el portal como las descripciones las estamos creando en dicho idioma y se estaban produciendo errores inesperados.
Hemos modificado "source_culture" sólo de las tablas que nos recomendó Dan y que pensamos que tenían relación con "Relationship area" pero aún existen tablas en la base de datos que mantienen el atributo "source_culture" con el valor "EN" (aunque actualmente tengamos default_language = CA) y alguna taxonomía con varios valores: "EN" y "CA".
Queremos evitar tener que volver a depurar la base de datos y sobre todo futuros errores en relaciones, indexaciones y actualizaciones. Así que sólo una última pregunta:
¿Se puede modificar "source_culture" de todas las tablas de la base de datos para que el valor sea "CA" o esta acción sería incorrecta?
Muchas gracias por sus sugerencias.
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