Instalación de Atom en Windows

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Jan 7, 2021, 8:41:43 PM1/7/21
to AtoM Users
Apreciados amigos, estoy intentando instalar Atom en Windows y presento este error. agradezco por su ayuda.


Dan Gillean

Jan 8, 2021, 10:34:25 AM1/8/21
to ICA-AtoM Users

We do not natively support Windows installations, as there are a number of dependencies that are only available as linux packages. If you want to install AtoM on a Windows server, we strongly recommend using virtualization to create an Ubuntu VM to work inside, so that you can follow our recommended installation documentation. This is mentioned in our documentation here: 
If you want to take a look at some of the other threads in the user forum tagged Windows, see:
If you are just looking for a local test instance you can easily set up on a home computer (including Windows), you might want to try out our Vagrant box. The easiest instructions for installing it are found in these slides: 
Please understand that this Vagrant box version of AtoM is NOT meant to be a permanent installation where you keep your data or with which run your public site - it is intended for local testing and development only! 

You'll have to install Vagrant and Virtualbox on your computer first, and if you are a Windows user, you will also have to install PuTTY. After that, the slides should walk you through the set up and update process. 

If you want to try to proceed on a Windows server anyway, we cannot offer many suggestions. However, I would recommend that you take a look at the Requirements page, and the Linux installation documentation and make sure that you have installed the correct versions of all the dependencies. 

The next thing I would suggest that you do is check the webserver error logs to see if you can find more useful information about the nature of the error. I don't know what webserver you are using, but you can see the default information we provide for Nginx users, here: 
It's also possible that using Debug mode could tell you more about the nature of the error. See: 
Good luck!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 8:41 PM <> wrote:
Apreciados amigos, estoy intentando instalar Atom en Windows y presento este error. agradezco por su ayuda.


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Claudia Reyes

Jan 8, 2021, 11:47:57 PM1/8/21
hola, al.intentar instalar Atom en Windows 10 se me presentaron muchísimos inconvenientes. Lo único que me funciono fue primero cambiar en configuración en actualización y seguridad - para programadores  y pasar a modo programador.  Luego pasar aplicaciones y características - instalación de aplicaciones y seleccionar  permití aplicaciones de cualquier fuente. Fue lo único que me funciono. Ten en cuenta reiniciar el equipo cuando hagas los cambios, actualizar el dispositivo y tener cuidado con lo que instalas de aquí en adelante. 

Windows 10 por defecto está predeterminado para trabajar en modo seguro es decir no permite la instalación de aplicaciones por fuera de su store.

Espero te funcione!!

El jue., 7 de ene. de 2021, 8:41 p. m., <> escribió:
Apreciados amigos, estoy intentando instalar Atom en Windows y presento este error. agradezco por su ayuda.



leif cordova llacsahuache

Jan 9, 2021, 8:25:10 PM1/9/21
Algún numero de teléfono para pedir su accesoria 

leif cordova llacsahuache

Jan 12, 2021, 3:39:40 PM1/12/21
Entonces usted instalo en windows o en linux. ¿Cuál me recomienda ?

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