Deleting a fonds level but leaving children in place?

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Stuart Bligh

Feb 26, 2024, 2:25:44 AM2/26/24
to AtoM Users
Hi - is there any way in ATOM of deleting a fonds level but leaving the records below in place? We have a situation where we'd like to do this and then `promote' the subfonds levels to be fonds level ...



Dan Gillean

Feb 26, 2024, 9:20:11 AM2/26/24
Hi Stuart, 

Deletions will cascade to lower levels, so while I think that you can still achieve what you want, it will take a few more steps. 

I would suggest that you accomplish this by: 
  • Navigating to the subfonds description that will become the new fonds-level parent
  • Using AtoM's button to Duplicate the subfonds - make any changes needed in the new description (such as adding a proper identifier; changing the level of description; etc) and save
  • Back in the original hierarchy, navigate to the first intermediate level that will be a child of the new fonds
  • Use the Move module to move it to the new fonds - this should also move any descendant records
  • Make any changes you need to the moved levels (e.g. are the series becoming subfonds in the new fonds? do you need to update the identifiers? etc)
  • You will need to repeat this for any additional intermediary levels - for example, if your subfonds had 3 series, do this for each series
  • Repeat as needed across any other intermediate levels (like other subfonds levels in the original)
The other option is to try something like: 
  • Add the fonds to the clipboard and export
  • Manually update the resulting CSV: 
    • delete the fonds 
    • update the target subfonds to be the new fonds as needed (change Level, edit anything else like identifier etc)
    • update any row whose parentId value referenced the old fonds description to reference the now-promoted subfonds level instead
    • cascade these updates down as needed 
  • Use the CSV validator in AtoM to make sure you haven't broken the CSV 
  • Ideally, make a db backup first and/or try importing your edited csv into a test instance so you can review the results
  • When you are confident about the changes, import the CSV, and then you can delete the original hierarchy

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Stuart Bligh

Feb 27, 2024, 6:39:27 AM2/27/24
Thanks Dan - that's helpful ...


Stuart Bligh
Archive Advisor
Mob: 07949377526
Please note that I work part time usually on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Max Communications Ltd.
2-3, Gunnery Terrace
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