Google search & library collection search

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Mullai Manickavalli

Mar 3, 2010, 12:09:30 PM3/3/10
to ICA-AtoM Users
How can we make our Archival descriptions on icaatom be searched from
Also, we have a Serial Soultions's Summon webscale discovery service
searching our library collections, how can we integrate icaatom with

Any thoughts?


David Juhasz

Mar 3, 2010, 4:23:04 PM3/3/10
Hi Mullai,

There's nothing preventing Google from crawling your website right now and indexing your pages (unless for some reason it's not publicly accessible).  Google has indexed at least one existing ICA-AtoM site [1].

Search engine optimization is it's own separate discipline [2], but in general, the best way to get your site "on the charts" is to have other sites link to your site.  If your site isn't referenced elsewhere on the web, it makes it hard for the web crawlers to find you and part of Googles ranking algorithm involves number and quality of links to your content.  However, you can speed up this process by *asking* Google to index your site [3]. :)

Although getting onto Google will work fine with the current ICA-AtoM URL schema, using a permalink [4] or "friendly" URL is reported to make your pages more "inviting" to indexing, due to there permanent nature and extra context.   Permalinks are on the ICA-AtoM development roadmap for Release 1.1 [5][6], but they are not currently available.

As for integrating ICA-AtoM with Serial Solution's discovery service, you should contact their support department [7].  They should be able to tell you how to get their service to crawl and index your website, as well as information on how to put their search "widget" into ICA-AtoM's template.


David Juhasz,
Software Engineer, Artefactual Systems Inc.

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