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Raphael Unterweger

Apr 12, 2024, 6:05:36 AM4/12/24
to AtoM Users
Hello AtoM,

I'm running two AtoM 2.7.3 installations in german language, and there's never a archival description report available, we have manipulated the taxonomies for the level of description, so there is for example no "item" in there ... could that be the problem?


Dan Gillean

Apr 12, 2024, 9:15:11 AM4/12/24
Hi Raphael, 

we have manipulated the taxonomies for the level of description, so there is for example no "item" in there ... could that be the problem?

Almost certainly!

Even in an unmodified AtoM instance, if the archival unit (or current intermediary level) does not include any file or item descendants, then the file and item report options will not display. These reports are hard-coded to use the default file and item levels of description, and to prevent users from generating blank reports, we do not display the report options if there are no descendants using these levels of description. 

You can even test this out on our demo site if you'd like. For example, here is a Fonds that only contains series-level description descendants:
Navigating to the reports, you will see that there are none available: 
However, if you: 
  • Log in
  • Navigate to one of the series
  • Add a new child-level item description and save
  • Make sure your new child item is published (use the More button > Update publication status)
  • Navigate back to the parent fonds-level description
  • Click on the reports link again
Then you will see that now an option to generate an item-level report will be available. The same thing would work with a file-level description. 

Finally, I will just point you to the relevant sections of the documentation on this. See: 
The introductory text includes the following: 

Reports are generated based on where in an archival unit’s hierarchy they are triggered. For example, a file-list report generated from the view page of a Series-level archival description will only include files from that series - not from the entire archival unit. If there are no files beneath the selected series, then the option to generate a file-level report will not be shown.

There is also a warning in the documentation about this, near the end of the introduction to the feature: 

Warning: AtoM’s file and item list reports are hard-coded to use the “File” and “Item” level of description term in the “Levels of description” taxonomy. If you have edited or removed the “File” or “Item” term from the taxonomy, the report may not work!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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