Digital Objects display filtering

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Simo Slaoui

Nov 30, 2022, 5:20:49 PM11/30/22
to AtoM Users
Hi Everyone,
I have several "digital objects" in my database that we would like to show, to invite the user to discover our archive treasure :-). The displaying of digital objects can only be sortet by date, title ... but not filtred by custom Topic or keywords. The digital objects are shown with their filename as title. 
Can we change the shown name in order to help users identify quicly the main tree structure of a collection for example? 
Maybe I'm doing wrong and you have a better approach. Any help is welcome :-) 


Dan Gillean

Dec 1, 2022, 9:42:21 AM12/1/22
Hi Simo, 

Are you uploading digital objects via Archivematica? CSV import? The multi-uploader? Or one digital object at a time? Each method has different options at upload time to control how the resulting descriptions are displayed. 

In general, it is the associated archival description that is used for sorting - meaning any access points you apply to the associated descriptions can be used to filter the results. For example, here is every archival description with an image attached that includes the subject access point of "Women" in our demo data: 
Because all parameters are passed via URL, any advanced search filters or facets you use to narrow results can be shared - and can even be turned into links on a static page, or in the browse menu, etc. So you can customize the way your users discover content by adding more metadata to the resulting descriptions, and then if you want, curating some entry points for them. 

You can also customize the title of the archival description AND the filename of the uploaded digital object using the Rename module. See: 
If you're uploading from Archivematica, I believe you can include DC metadata in an accompanying CSV, and this will be used for your DIP objects during upload to AtoM. See: 
Alternatively, you can at minimum add a setting that will strip the filename when creating stub description titles from the digital object when uploading from Archivematica. See: 
If you're performing a CSV import, then just make sure other fields in the row, such as title, are filled out - you add the filepath to the digital object in the digitalObjectFilePath column. AtoM will use the metadata in the rest of the row to create the description, and then attach the digital object found at the filepath provided. See: 
If you're using the multi-file uploader in the user interface (i.e. the "Upload digital objects" option in the More menu), then AtoM should give you an opportunity to edit the resulting stub description names before finalizing the upload. See: 
Finally, here's a different approach that might inspire some general ideas to help with sorting and discovery:

At the Beaton institute, archivists create "Project" static pages in AtoM for their holdings, and then use Subject access points to provide curated entry points - linking to Subject term browse pages, rather than archival description result pages filtered by subject. For example, here is the landing page for Black Nova Scotian holdings. These holdings cross multiple fonds and collections - and the archivists have used Subject access points to provide different entry points by media type, including Photographs: 
Each of these links leads to a Subject browse page with a common term - for example, here's the link to the "Photographs" page for Black Nova Scotian holdings: 
Beaton started this approach before AtoM had a separate Genres access point, which might be a better fit now for this type of organization, but as you can see, it's still an interesting way to help users discover content with digital objects. There's no reason why those links couldn't lead to archival description result pages filtered by a Subject or Genre access point, or any other number of filters - how you set up your static page is up to you. 

Other examples: 

Mills Archive has pasted in code to add custom search boxes right on their homepage, and they have created a whole guided tour based on Static pages, with a number of FAQ-type questions as buttons guiding the process: 
This slide deck includes a section showing you how you can add a search box to a static page in AtoM (see Slide 33 and beyond):
The City of Winnipeg uses their homepage to highlight an exhibit they have created entirely from AtoM's static page module. The homepage also uses custom images they made to provide access to the main browse entry points to the site, making things a bit more visually appealing: 
For tips on how to customize static pages in AtoM, see: 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Simo Slaoui

Dec 11, 2022, 3:32:36 PM12/11/22
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan,

Big Thanks again for all your help! 
I usually upload Digital objet one by one. If I have multiple pictures related to one archive I try to create one PDF with multiple pages. I Know in not the best way but for some archives it's okay. 

The particularity of our project is that we don't have a physical place to consult the archives. And because is about cinema, we would like to share the visual aspect of our collection. For a movie for example, we can have the poster,  "making of" photos, original handwritted script, sketches, storyboard, correspondences and many other stuff... So, my goal, is to make sure that all the files related to one movie, can be identified as a part of an archive in digital object card view. With table view the problem is solved, it shows more datas (date, part of, Item Ref..) But I love the digital object card presentation, it's more engaging. :-) 

In the cinematheque suisse website, they kept only one picture for a root collection but no "sub-pictures". 

BTW, I like the beatoninstitute search approach. 


Simo Slaoui

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