Brazilian Portuguese translation not properly populated in the official demo website

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Matheus Baumgarten

Nov 13, 2023, 7:33:30 AM11/13/23
to AtoM Users
Greetings Dan and all,

    Here at our research group we use the official AtoM's demo website to teach AtoM to our students. The demo enables our students to play around with AtoM, either from the classroom or from home.
    We've requested previously for Brazilian Portuguese to be supported on the demo (as it will greatly help our students that don't speak English). But since then we noticed that after selecting Brazilian Portuguese on the demo website many strings are kept in English, even though pt_BR is 100% translated on the Weblate platform. We've waited for the demo to be updated to v2.7 since our previous request, expecting for this issue to resolve itself after the upgrade but unfortunately it is still there.
    It'd be amazing if you could take a look at this issue. This would be a step up for our students as they would not depend on our group's modest AtoM vagrant instance and would be able to learn from anywhere and whenever they have time to do so.

Thank you for your time and congratulations for the work put on the new 2.7 version, it has been extremely stable and very delightful to work with!

Matheus Baumgarten,
CNPq UFF Ged/A Research Group.

Matheus Baumgarten

Nov 13, 2023, 7:47:59 AM11/13/23
to AtoM Users
Here's a comparison of the demo and our local vm. The translation issue can be seen on the left side "Browse by" navigation column.

Screenshot from 2023-11-13 09-39-30.pngScreenshot from 2023-11-13 09-42-06.png

Dan Gillean

Nov 13, 2023, 8:57:41 AM11/13/23
Hi Matheus, 

I will pass this information on to our Maintainers team for them to investigate. However, in at least some cases I can see in your screenshots, it is a known issue that we cannot easily resolve. 

There are a number of strings that exist in the database, but need to be present when a user first installs AtoM - this includes any default taxonomy terms for example, but also some other core terms. We call these fixtures - they are stored directly in the code, and when AtoM is first installed, part of the installation procedure then "seeds" the database by writing these fixtures to the relevant tables. 

Fixtures are available in our translation platform for users to translate. However, the known issue is in making new fixture translations available to upgrading users. See: 
When a user upgrades, they first install a new AtoM instance normally - during which, any new fixture translations get added to the (currently empty) database. However, THEN the upgrading user completely overwrites these database updates when they load their own backup from the older version - meaning the newer translations are lost. 

This is at least part of what is happening with some of the strings in the demo site. We have been using and upgrading that demo data since the early ICA-AtoM days. Many new fixture translations have since been added, but we cannot easily get them into the demo data until this issue is resolved. 

There are also other known internationalization (i18n) issues - you will see a number of other issue tickets linked to the one above, and there are many more issues here. There is much we still hope to do to improve translation support and i18n in AtoM. As a small project without consistent funding, we constantly have to balance these goals against the many other maintenance priorities we have for the application. 

Nevertheless, I will pass this feedback on to the Maintainer team, so they are aware of the issues and the interest in prioritizing fixes related to it. In the meantime, if your group would be interested in potentially sponsoring an analysis project so our team can dedicate some time to investigating, prioritizing, and preparing a plan to address i18n issues, feel free to contact Artefactual to discuss options. 

In the short term - if you are using AtoM to teach, then I would strongly suggest that you consider hosting your own teaching instance. If you wait until the upcoming 2.8 release, install fresh, and then create your own demo data set inside the new installation, you will avoid many of these issues and have more control over the environment anyway! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Matheus Baumgarten

Nov 13, 2023, 9:33:54 AM11/13/23
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan, thank you for your quick response!

  Now I understand the issue and I get why the demo is the way it currently is. Thank you!
  We've been analyzing the options to self-host AtoM instances either on the cloud or locally at the University for teaching purposes, but it is being hard to fit it into our budget as we have many different disciplines that have their own AtoM VMs which will add up to the final hosting prices.

   About upcoming 2.8 version, are we close to it's release?

Thanks again! Best Regards,

Matheus Baumgarten,
CNPq UFF Ged/A Research Group.

Dan Gillean

Nov 13, 2023, 9:45:25 AM11/13/23
Hi Matheus, 

Yes - I don't have an exact date, but I know the Maintainers have been working hard on the 2.8 release and it is close to ready! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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