Cannot make descendants public

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Sep 7, 2018, 11:12:46 AM9/7/18
to AtoM Users
Before this morning, I could select a draft collection to make it public, click the checkbox for update descendants, and all would work well. Now, I cannot update descendants. I can update file by file, which is not efficient. But I can't update everything at once. 

If anyone knows the cause and a fix, I would be grateful. My awesome System Admin is looking at debug now but I thought I'd post it here.

Anne Thomason
Lake Forest College

Sep 7, 2018, 11:28:52 AM9/7/18
to AtoM Users
Never mind, AtoM-worker was not starting properly when we rebooted for another reason. We now have it working and are looking into why AtoM-worker was not running.

Dan Gillean

Sep 7, 2018, 11:35:47 AM9/7/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Anne, 

Glad to hear you've gotten it sorted out - I was about to reply suggesting you check the job scheduler! 

There is a known issue where the job scheduler seems to put the atom-wokers to sleep after a long period of inactivity. We have not tested this, but a community user in the forum has previously shared a configuration solution that you might want to investigate - see this thread:
Because I already had much of my initial reply written, I will include it below for reference, to help anyone else finding this thread in the future when encountering a related issue.


What happens when you try to update the publication status of the descendants? Do you get an error message, or does nothing happen, or something else?

If you are getting an error message, the first step we always advise is to have a system administrator review the webserver error logs for more information. See: 
If nothing is happening, at all, it could be that the job is still running - and possibly that your browser has cached an older version of the page. I would check the status of the job in the Jobs page. If the job appears to have completed successfully, I would next suggest opening a new incognito / private browser window (where browser caching is generally disabled by default), and reviewing your site there to determine is the issue is simply browser-based. If it is still not showing up, you could try clearing the application cache, and restarting PHP-FPM and Memcached. On Ubuntu 16.04 installations, you could do this with the following commands: 
  • sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
  • sudo systemctl restart memcached
  • php symfony cc
Let us know what you find! 



Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Nov 27, 2018, 2:06:41 AM11/27/18
to AtoM Users
Hi there, I have to take a collection offline. I definitely don't want to delete it, I just want to put it back in draft mode. I am having a similar issue to Anne in that the update descendants box isn't working for me. I can put the collection/parent level record into draft mode, but it won't update the descendant records. I could do it manually, but there are over 700 records and I don't have that kind of time. I get no error message.

I have checked the jobs log and there is nothing there. I'm not tech savvy enough to know what you mean, Dan, by clearing the application cache and restarting.

Any advice appreciated!

Many thanks,


Dan Gillean

Nov 27, 2018, 10:33:25 AM11/27/18
Hi Kari, 

Do you have command-line access to your AtoM installation? If so, I can provide you with the commands to run. If someone else (an IT department or systems administrator for example) installed the application for you and maintains it, you can pass this message to them. 

I'm assuming you have an installation that has followed our recommended instructions for Ubuntu 16.04 - if this is not the case, please let me know more about your specific installation, and hopefully I can provide some updated commands. 

In case you are totally new to working in the linux/unix command-line, you might find these slides helpful as a starting point
There are also plenty more cheat sheets and tutuorials out there that should help give you a basic orientation. Additionally, the following slides will provide you with more context about each of the commands I will suggest below - what they are, what they do, and why you might need to run them:
All commands below should be run from AtoM's root installation directory. If you've followed our recommended installation instructions, that location is generally /usr/share/nginx/atom - you can use the change directory command to navigate there: 
  • cd /usr/share/nginx/atom
First, we will try restarting the job scheduler. Based on what you've said so far, my first suspicion is that it has gone idle, and simply needs a restart - hopefully after we restart it and a few other services, the option to update descendant records when changing the publication status will work as expected. Run the following command to restart the atom-worker: 
  • sudo systemctl restart atom-worker
Now, for good measure we are also going to restart a few other services. To help speed up the loading of pages, AtoM has a few caches built in - as the pages are served, AtoM stores a local copy for faster delivery next time. When something isn't working and/or we've made changes, we want to clear these caches, to ensure we are seeing the most up-to-date version of the page when we re-test. There are more details included in the AtoM Command-line Tasks slides I've linked above if you're curious. Run the following commands, one after another: 
  • sudo systemctl restart php7.0-fpm
  • sudo systemctl restart memcached
  • php symfony cc
Now we're ready to re-test! When you re-test, remember that your web browser also has its own cache, so you will want to clear that as well. You should be able to quickly look up how to do so for whatever browser you are using. Another option is to use an incognito/private browser window - the web browser cache is generally disabled by default in these browser windows. 

Let us know if this works. If not - let me know too! I can offer further suggestions. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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