Thank you for your kind response Dan,
In the example of my previous email yes, my user was logged in. I can
read that record in Draft, but it doesn't appear in searches.
At my institution we have several funds, all them with Draft
publication status (Fond A, Fond B, Fond C and Fond D), with an
archivist working on each of them. For example, Archivist A have all
permissions (read, view draft, update, etc... ) only for Fond A.
The problem here is when Archivist A searchs something: the results is always 0.
We'd like know configure "information object permissions" so that an
archivist can only search by their fond, not items for the other
Thank you very much again. Greetings!
El mar, 24 oct 2023 a las 15:16, Dan Gillean (<>) escribió:
> Hi Catu,
> Unless you change the "Anonymous" user group permissions. Draft records are always hidden from public users. Was the Catu test user logged in when the search was conducted? If no, then changing the permissions to grant View Draft will have no effect, because they must still be logged in for them to be visible.
> AtoM works on an inheritance model for permissions, so one alternative you could try:
> Instead of customizing the permissions for the Catu test user directly, try adding that user to one of the existing User Groups that can view drafts. For example, if you are trying to grant ALL permissions to this user, then add them to the "Administrators" group. If you just want them to be able to log in and see Drafts, but not really edit or make administrative changes, try adding them just to the Authenticated group, and double-check that the Authenticated group permissions are set to Grant View Draft permissions.
> Hope this helps!
> Cheers,
> Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
> AtoM Program Manager
> Artefactual Systems, Inc.
> @accesstomemory
> he / him
> On Mon, Oct 23, 2023 at 7:09 AM Catula Pérez <> wrote:
>> Good morning, I have a question regarding how AtoM searches work. I made an example in the AtoM demo: If I search for “lady” I get 10 results: (image 1) If I change in two records "Publication Status" from "PUBLISHED" to “DRAFT”: 8 results appear: (image 2) I want to create a user, and I give access and read permissions to one of the two records in “DRAFT”
> To view this discussion on the web visit