Export from AtoM to Europeana

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Clara Rosales

Aug 30, 2022, 4:11:56 AM8/30/22
to ica-ato...@googlegroups.com
Dear AtoM users!
A few years ago the topic of exporting from AtoM to Europeana came up in this forum: https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/ica-atom-users/CAOEx-n77%2BPQPOY%3DMiJkvHQz17yD1NunNAMQeaAgxNxj%3DDfueLA%40mail.gmail.com
I don't know if any Archive is actually exporting records from AtoM to Europeana via Europeana Data Model (EDM).
We need to export the records from our AtoM to Europeana and we would like to know the experiences of other colleagues in this regard.
Thank you very much in advance. 
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