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Artefact, Container, and Location

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Jun 24, 2021, 9:54:22 AM6/24/21
to AtoM Users

I am a bit confused about the Physical object type taxonomy and hope someone can shed some light on this.

What I do is:
- create an archival description
- click on "link to physical storage", where I want to create a new one

Here I have 3 fields:
- Name
- Location
- Type

Question to the field "location"
If I type a location, it won't create a location entry here: https://atompage.xy/physical-object-type. Why? 
And also the other way round does not work - If I added a location called "Office room" in https://atompage.xy/location, it won't show up as a suggestion for the field "location" when creating a new physical storage.

Question to field "Type"
- It seems like the choices I have here are those from what's in "Container" here https://atompage.xy/physical-object-type
- What if I want more general storage locations for my archival descriptions? 
I mean, like this: "[...] The intended use is for “Containers” to include specific storage containers, such as box numbers, cabinet drawers, etc., and for “Locations” to include more general storage locations, such as “Cold storage,” “Vault,” etc. Storage types and uses can be customized to meet institutional practices, [...]"

So in the end, the general question is: How do I create a physical storage to an archival description, that has basically just a name and a location (like "office" or "storage")?

Cheers, Roger

Dan Gillean

Jun 28, 2021, 10:12:14 AM6/28/21
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Roger, 

I will try to update the documentation regarding the Physical Object Type taxonomy soon, as it appears that it is currently incorrect. This module has not seen significant development in a while - longer than I have been with Artefactual. I don't know the entire development history or original design proposal, but my suspicion is that originally, Location was intended to use a controlled vocabulary list as well, sharing a taxonomy (Physical Object Type) as its source - when creating a new storage container entry, Type would pull from terms nested under the "Container" parent term, while Location would pull from terms nested under the "Location" parent term. 

In reality, at this time Location is a free-text field, meaning it is not linked to any taxonomy. Only the Type field is linked to the Physical Object Type taxonomy, and even then, it is filtered to only look at descendant terms of the "Container" parent term. Adding child terms beneath the Location locked term does not make them visible in physical storage module, and entering data into the Location field when creating a new storage location does not add the value as a controlled vocabulary term nested under "Location" in the physical type taxonomy. 

I apologize for the confusion, and will try to update the documentation accordingly in the near future. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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