Results in related resources of authority records

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Alberto Pereira

May 8, 2020, 9:11:21 AM5/8/20
to AtoM Users
Hi all,

a question, to see if any of you can help me. I've been having some trouble with the autocomplete feature of the field "Title of related resource" in the related resources of Authority Records.

The results work when searching for the identifier but:

- not for the complete reference code;

- and only seem to return results when typing more than 3 characters.

The version I'm testing right now is 2.5.2.

Thanks for your help,



Dan Gillean

May 12, 2020, 1:23:06 PM5/12/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Alberto, 

I'm waiting on some input from our developers, but I thought I would answer the parts I can now. 

First, regarding the full reference code searching in the Related descriptions field: 

I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that this is the place in code where this autocomplete is called (though this is one of the things I am trying to confirm): 
As you can see, it is supposed to make the full reference code available for use in finding results. I haven't had a chance to test that, but I will try to follow up with our team on this, make sure I'm looking in the right place, see if it's working as expected in our test environments, and if not, figure out why. 

Regarding the minimum 3 characters required for the autocomplete to start providing results: 

This is in place partially to keep the index from being full of too much noise. I will again have to confirm this with one of our developers, but I believe this is being set in the code here: 
We've previously had someone ask about the upper limit of 10 matching characters in a different thread - you may find those responses useful: 
There are some useful related links in that thread with further information on why we are using the current defaults in the public releases. You can adjust these values in your local instance if desired (by adjusting the settings in apps/qubit/config/search.yml) , but be aware that it will likely make the size of your Elasticsearch index grow considerably! After making changes, you'll want to clear the application cache, restart PHP-FPM, and re-populate the search index. 

Finally, it's a manual workaround, but here is a technique for linking related records in an AtoM instance that has many similar titles that one of our users has shared: 
I included this suggestion recently in the following slide deck, starting at slide 21: 
Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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