Imported EAD entry added always with English as Source Language

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Sep 14, 2019, 11:49:51 PM9/14/19
to AtoM Users
Dear all,

I am coming across a strange behaviour. When I import an EAD3 entry in XML into Atom 2.5.2, it is always added with English as source language. 

- The entry is in Spanish and includes a reference to the language used inside the XML file (you can download the XML file from here

- My selected language is Spanish.

- I made Spanish the default language.

The entry looks otherwise OK but its source language should be Spanish, shouldn't it?



Sep 15, 2019, 8:25:10 AM9/15/19
to AtoM Users
OK, I am answering my own question because I have realised that Atom does not yet support EAD 3.

I suppose that the location of the language information is located in different places in EAD 2002 and EAD 3.  This has already been discussed here:!searchin/ica-atom-users/%22ead3%22%7Csort:date/ica-atom-users/ehUh0OsYRd4/lm00riuNAgAJ

I will see if I can change that in my import file.

It seems that, if AtoM cannot find the language information in the XML file, it defaults to import the entry into EN. I changed the default language here:


but this does not seem to affect the imporot.

Is there any way changing the default "Source language" for imports?


Dan Gillean

Sep 16, 2019, 9:03:01 PM9/16/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Daniel, 

You're correct that AtoM does not currently support EAD3. I was curious about your comments so I tried importing the example file - it does import, though you are correct that not everything comes in correctly. Also, while the EAD file is UTF-8 encoded, it appears that its source was not, since I see a number of ? characters in the document where accented characters should be. 

In my local test environment, I did not actually any language data imported. Can you perhaps show me a screenshot of what you're seeing? Additionally, what language is the user interface in when you import the record - Spanish, or something else?

There are 2 primary places where AtoM will look for language data that it imports as part of the description. The Language of material data comes from the 2-letter ISO 639-1 code included in the <language> element nested in <langmaterial>: 

   <langmaterial encodinganalog="3.4.3">
      <language langcode="[ISO code]">

Similarly, information about the language of the description, which appears in AtoM's Description control area, this is taken from the ISO 639-1 code included in the <language> element that is nested in <langusage>: 

         <language langcode="[ISO code]">

EAD3 has introduced the intermediary <languageset> element, which AtoM doesn't recognize. This is likely why the language of material values in your EAD3 file are not importing. 

The last parameter, which I think may be what you are talking about, is the culture. This is what AtoM uses in, for example, the language facet in the search/browse results. For EAD imports, I believe his is determined by the language of the user interface at the time of import. For command-line imports, I believe it will default to using the default installation culture - this is what you were changing in the /apps/qubit/config/settings.yml configuration file. 

Hope this helps! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Sep 24, 2019, 6:05:27 PM9/24/19
to AtoM Users
Dear Dan,

Thanks a lot for your comments and your additional research.

It was great that you confirmed that the language of the entry after the import should be Spanish as this was my default language.

I have tried again and now it worked fine. The EADS3 entry was imported as without errors and is stored as Spanish. I don't really know why it did not work the first time.

Even if EADS3 is not officially supported it seems that the differences are not so big as to prevent the import and the data looks fine. 

I realise that importing EADS3 might not work in all cases but for the entries I have, it works a treat.

I wanted to mention also that I did not have any issues with the accents or the special characters in Spanish. From my side the file seems to be correct UTF-8. I imported it straight from my downloads folder without editing it in my computer.

I am really pleased with Atom 2. I am only wondering why I did not migrate earlier from ICA-Atom 1. :D


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Dan Gillean

Sep 24, 2019, 6:13:49 PM9/24/19
to ICA-AtoM Users
Glad it's doing what you need, Daniel! Thanks for updating us - and upgrading AtoM!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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