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OAI-PMH resumptionToken forgets from & until arguments (Issue 13574)

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Vicky Phillips

Apr 29, 2022, 7:56:26 AM4/29/22
to AtoM Users
I think I've hit this bug in version 2.6.1 of AtoM. Do you know if we would be able to apply the fix you've tested in 2.7 and due for release in version 2.7 to our 2.6.1 instance?

We initially harvested entire AtoM DC via a script and manually uploaded it to Primo (our main Library Discovery interface).  Now that the bulk of the records are in the system we wanted to set up a Primo Pipe which would harvest new and updated records automatically.  This appears to work fine when the number of records to harvest are under 100 records i.e. 1 OAI-PMH page but seems to fail when there's more.  Which makes me think that it's due to the above issue.

Your advice would be very much appreciated.

Dan Gillean

Apr 29, 2022, 8:59:54 AM4/29/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Vicky, 

I'll check with our team, but as this fix only affects two files and doesn't require a schema migration or changes to any of the dependencies, I think you should be able to apply it as a patch to a 2.6.x installation. 

You can see the related pull request here (PR-1449) , which was added to qa/2.x as a commit here: 
If you simply add .patch to the end of the commit URL, you will be shown a downloadable version that can be applied as a patch. There are also ways to use git in the command-line to generate a patch from the commit. 

You should be able to use git am to apply the patch. A quick online search should turn up a number of tutorials etc. 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Vicky Phillips

Apr 29, 2022, 9:34:02 AM4/29/22
to AtoM Users
That's excellent news Dan. I'll wait for you to confirm before asking our Developer to implement this.

Dan Gillean

Apr 29, 2022, 3:50:19 PM4/29/22
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Vicky, 

Unfortunately, it turns out it was a good idea to check with a developer, rather than trusting me. 

One of the other changes in the qa/2.x development branch is the introduction of a PHP syntax checker (PHP CS Fixer, first added to AtoM here). This was added months before the OAI fixes in the commits linked above - meaning that a lot of AtoM's code changed in the interim. A consequence of this is that picking the commit above and attempting to apply it to a 2.6.1 installation will almost certainly cause conflicts. Additionally, as you can see from the size of the commit (not to mention there have been several other adjustments to it in other commits since), trying to apply the PHP CS Fixer addition into AtoM as a patch first as a way of attempting to resolve this issue is strongly not recommended.

With this in mind, I think your best plan is likely to either wait for a formal 2.7 release (we're working on a release plan, hopefully later this year!), or else do something like install a development version just for OAI harvesting... or decide to upgrade your production instance to the development branch, taking on some of the risks that there are undiscovered bugs and regressions still present that might affect you. 

Sorry for the confusion!

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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