Impressão de Etiquetas Adesivas

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Gregory Bevilaqua

Jun 25, 2018, 2:56:46 PM6/25/18
to AtoM Users
Caros amigos,

Estou precisando imprimir etiquetas adesivas para colocar em cada objeto digital inserido no sistema(Tenho mais de 20mil objetos digitais).

Na etiqueta deve ter: Código de Referencia e o Título. 

Como posso fazer isso de forma mais fácil?

Agradeço pela atenção.

Dan Gillean

Jun 26, 2018, 10:48:07 AM6/26/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Gregory, 

I wonder if you could use a CSV export to assist you in this? AtoM has the ability to export search results in CSV format. See: 
You could limit the search / browse results to only those descriptions with digital objects before exporting, and then use a spreadsheet application to remove what you don't need and transform the data into something you could print on stickers. 

The Reports section does have file and item reports, but they can only be generated per archival hierarchy - there's not a way to generate a list of all descriptions across hierarchies with digital objects. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Gregory Bevilaqua

Jun 26, 2018, 3:55:32 PM6/26/18
to AtoM Users
Obrigado pelas respostas,

Eu estou exportando o CSV, e vem quase todos os dados necessários, está faltando apenas o CÓDIGO DE REFERÊNCIA (FUNDO.SERIE.SUB-SERIE.DOSSIE.ITEM), compreende ?

Está vindo todos os dados, menos o código de referencia.


Dan Gillean

Jun 26, 2018, 4:07:43 PM6/26/18
to ICA-AtoM Users

How are you exporting the CSV? And what version of AtoM are you using?

If you try exporting the search results from the public demo site, you should see that referenceCode is the first column in the CSV export - here is a screenshot from my test: 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Gregory Bevilaqua

Jul 3, 2018, 9:36:16 AM7/3/18
to AtoM Users

Eu tinha feito o teste de exportar o CSV em um AtoM local e funcionou, só que quando fiz o mesmo procedimento no servidor de Produção que tem mais de 8 mil fotos não gera o arquivo.

Observem a data inicial da solicitação e a data atual... São quase 3 dias gerando o CSV e nada acontece...

Como devo proceder?

Agradeço pela atenção.

Em segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018 15:56:46 UTC-3, Gregory Bevilaqua escreveu:

Dan Gillean

Jul 3, 2018, 11:28:56 AM7/3/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Gregory, 

Unfortunately, it looks like the job scheduler has stalled. This can sometimes happen when the available system memory is exhausted. I think you will have to clear all the current jobs and restart the job scheduler. 
We don't have a process right now that can target a specific job, so all the current "running" jobs will be cleared. I would suggest running them one at a time, and if possible, increasing the available memory in your system. 

You can clear all jobs with the following command-line task:
  • php symfony jobs:clear
To restart the job scheduler, it depends on your installation environment. 
If you’re using Ubuntu 14.04 with PHP 5.x:
  • sudo restart atom-worker
If you’re using Ubuntu 16.04 with PHP 7.x:


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Gregory Bevilaqua

Jul 3, 2018, 11:20:55 PM7/3/18
to AtoM Users
Olá Dan,

Aumentei a memória para 8gb e consegui gerar as planilhas...

Só que ainda tenho um questionamento....

Quando eu exporto o CSV dos dossiês aparece o "Reference Code", só que quando exporto o CSV do "Item" não aparece o código de referencia, ele me retorna vazio....

Obs: No AtoM quando eu acesso o Dossiê aparece o código de referencia, quando acesso o item específico não aparece esse código.

Como posso fazer para aparecer esse código em todos os itens?

Obrigado pelo empenho.
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Dan Gillean

Jul 7, 2018, 5:32:01 AM7/7/18
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Gregory, 

Hmm, that's very strange. 

Some quick questions: 
  • Are these items part of the same archival hierarchy as the files?
  • If no: 
    • Are the items linked to a repository record?
    • Does the repository record have an address and an identifier?
    • Have you ensured that the items have an identifier added to them?
  • Have you ensured that "Inherit reference code" is turned on in Admin > Settings ?
  • How are you exporting these records?
    • Adding them individually to the clipboard and exporting
    • Using the "Export search results" option
    • Adding the parent records to the clipboard and using the "Include descendants" option?
It's possible that you have found a bug in the export. Currently I am traveling for work with limited email access, so I'm not able to conduct further tests myself right now. Hopefully with more information we can figure out what the problem is, and I can suggest further solutions for you. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.

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Gregory Bevilaqua

Jul 31, 2018, 11:14:35 AM7/31/18
to AtoM Users
Olá Dan,

Muito obrigado pelas dicas e atenção, o problema foi resolvido alterando nas configurações colocando os itens para HERDAR o código.

Obrigado a todos pela atenção.

Problema Resolvido.

Em segunda-feira, 25 de junho de 2018 15:56:46 UTC-3, Gregory Bevilaqua escreveu:
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