Installation issues Atom 2.6

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Jonathan Moest

Aug 25, 2020, 11:56:34 AM8/25/20
to AtoM Users
I install a new Atom 2.6 on Centos 7 with Mysql 8, Nginx,...
Each step is going well, but I have some issues during the last step:
With this error "Sorry, you do not have permission to access that page"

After that I can't finish the installation and I can't log in with my user.
I have no error in the nginx, php-fpm or mysql error.log
Thank you for your help.

Dan Gillean

Aug 25, 2020, 4:03:50 PM8/25/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Jonathan, 

We have a command-line task that can clear the application cache - if you managed to successfully complete the other web installer steps (i.e. configuring the Elasticsearch and MySQL connections; creating an admin user, etc) then I'm hoping this might allow you to proceed. It needs to be run from AtoM's root installation directory - in a standard setup, this is /usr/share/nginx/atom, though this path may vary in your installation. To clear the application cache, run: 
  • php symfony cc
Then I'd suggest restarting PHP-FPM, as well as memcached if you are using it. I will list the commands for this in Ubuntu - once again, I'm not sure if they might be different in CentOS
  • sudo systemctl restart php7.2-fpm
  • sudo systemctl restart memcached
Let us know if that helps. 

Note as well that the PHP version matters - are you using PHP 7.2? If not, it's possible this is affecting your ability to log in as well. 

We have upgraded the password hashing algorithm in AtoM 2.6 to use Argon2i, but older versions of PHP do not support this.  If you're trying to use PHP 7.0, then you can try changing the algorithm used to PASSWORD_BCRYPT in config/app.yml (the relevant section is near the bottom of that config file) - be sure to restart your services and clear the application cache after making changes in this config file. However, we did not do thorough testing with PHP 7.0 for the 2.6 release, and you may encounter other issues - be warned! Ideally, if you're not using PHP 7.2 currently I would suggest you upgrade if possible. 

Finally, if you are still having issues logging in with the account you created during installation, you could potentially try create a new admin account from the command-line, to determine if there's a problem with just that previous account. See: 
Hopefully, this might allow you to log in and change the password with the other account, or delete it if you prefer. If neither account is able to login after trying the recommendations above, then the problem is not the account itself - let me know what you've tried and how it went, and we can go from there. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Jonathan Moest

Aug 27, 2020, 3:14:06 AM8/27/20
to AtoM Users
Hi Dan,
Thank you for your reply.
I have php 7.2.
The command line above doesn't help, I used them before web installation and after.
When I created an new admin account with the command line, I can't log in.
I notice that in my db (mysql 8.0) the user table has a hash for the pass to null? It's normal?
But I think the problem is the installation doesn't complete the process because it stop to the "index.php/sfInstallPlugin/clearCache" step after the configureSite step where I enter admin account.
Do you have some command to finish the installation process?
Thank you.

Dan Gillean

Aug 27, 2020, 5:24:05 PM8/27/20
to ICA-AtoM Users
Hi Jonathan, 

Unfortunately, there is no command-line alternative to the web installer - as I mentioned we do have a separate command-line task to clear the application cache, but it sounds like this hasn't helped you. 

Most of our developers are out of office this week, but while we wait for them to return, I will try to provide a few additional things you might try. 

When setting up MySQL 8, there is a note in bold in our documentation that says, "Also, you will be asked to select the default authentication plugin, which has to be set to “Use Legacy Authentication Method”. Did you remember to do this? See: 

Another thing you could check is resetting the filesystem permissions, since it sounds like AtoM is giving you a strange permissions issue. I'm not sure if CentOS will be different, but with a typical AtoM install, all permissions should be owned by the www-data user, and this can be reapplied with: 
One other thing you could try would be returning to the previous step in the web installer - i.e. manually navigating to index.php/sfInstallPlugin/configureSite, and trying to run through the web installer process again, so it can complete as expected. 

If you can't get through the steps without the web installer timing out, some previous users have reported that increasing your PHP and NGINX execution limits has helped. See for example: 
In the future we hope to remove the web installer entirely, since it seems to be causing a lot of installation issues. 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

José Raddaoui

Aug 31, 2020, 7:38:20 AM8/31/20
to AtoM Users
Hi Jonathan,

I believe you're experiencing two different issues. The first one, as Dan said, seems to be a permission issue where the web server user is not able to delete some files in the AtoM folder. The second one looks like a CentOS 7/PHP 7.2 issue, AtoM 2.6 uses Argon2 as the default password hashing algorithm and that doesn't seem to work properly with the default PHP repository:


Josef Vítovec

Sep 2, 2020, 11:15:01 AM9/2/20
to AtoM Users
Hey guys,

we had the same issue with the installation as Jonathan mentioned – also running CentOS 7. And after installing PHP 7.2 from the remi repository as it's answered in the Radda's link, everything works fine now. So the permission issue is also related to this I'd say. Anyway, thanks for your help Radda!



Dne pondělí 31. srpna 2020 v 13:38:20 UTC+2 uživatel José Raddaoui napsal:

José Raddaoui

Sep 2, 2020, 4:59:45 PM9/2/20
to AtoM Users

Great news Josef, thanks for reporting back!
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