Thanks for sharing, Joey! Hopefully other users might also share how they are using the storage module.
Linda, just a few other thoughts to share:
First, if you are curious to see other related threads, everything in the forum from the last few years related to physical storage in AtoM can be browsed here, using the tag:
AtoM's physical storage module does not currently have the ability to organize containers and locations hierarchically (for example, to nest a folder in a box, on a shelf, in a range, in a specific building, etc.). Because of this, we generally recommend that you use unique names for storage containers - perhaps even incorporating your description reference code(s) into the container, to make it easier to find the correct container in the future when using drop-downs and autocomplete fields.
This thread, for example, discusses this somewhat, as well as some alternatives that others are using:
Finally, a note on physical storage and the generated finding aids in AtoM:
Some users consider sharing physical storage location a security risk. Consequently we have the option to hide physical storage information via the Visible elements module. See:
If you hide physical storage in Visible elements, AND you have set your finding aids to "Generate as a public user" (setting described
here), then AtoM will exclude the storage information from the finding aid generated.