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Reference code

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Willie Erasmus

Feb 6, 2024, 8:34:29 AM2/6/24
to AtoM Users
Good day. 
Where and how can I change an item reference code on AtoM 2.7.  eg "Reference code ZA RSM" to "RSM" only. The item edit fuction does not allow for this.I need to change the archival institution code but doing so it just add to the item reference "ZA-TRS ZA RSM". I need to drop the second ZA before the RSM

Kind Regards
Willie Erasmus

Dan Gillean

Feb 6, 2024, 9:50:51 AM2/6/24
Hi Willie, 

Unfortunately, the settings for automatic reference code generation are rather limited - right now there is no way in its settings to drop the ZA but keep the RSM. 

Right now, the reference code is built using: 
  • The country code of the Country value from the linked repository's address - this is where the ZA is coming from
  • The repository identifier - this is the RSM
  • The top-level description identifier
  • The reference code separator - this is another setting (described here), which by default uses the hyphen
  • The identifiers of any descendant records, each separated by the reference code separator. 

So, unfortunately, at present your options are: 
  • Remove the country from the related repository's address - this will prevent the ZA from being added
  • Do not manually add the ZA to the repository's identifier - if I understand what you are describing correctly, this is why you are getting two different ZA's in the resulting reference codes, instead of one
  • Disable the Reference code inheritance setting completely, and manually create reference codes for your descriptions in the identifier field
  • If you are a developer, you can potentially trace and modify the code so the repository country code is not included
At least, these are the options I can think of at present. 

Note that we do have a Wishlist ticket for adding more flexibility to how reference codes can be constructed. See: 
However, at present this work is not slated for any upcoming release. 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Willie Erasmus

Feb 6, 2024, 10:14:47 AM2/6/24
Thanks Dan. I realised that one can not change the reference once it is created. I was hoping for some magic trick in your hat. 


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