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Artefactual Announcement

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Justin Simpson

May 16, 2024, 4:05:07 PM5/16/24
to AtoM Users

I have an announcement to share.  Most everyone here in the AtoM user forum will know Dan Gillean. He has been working at Artefactual in the role of AtoM Program Manager since 2013.  

Dan has taken on a new role at Artefactual. He is now working in our Implementation Services team as a Business and User Experience Analyst, focusing on the Enduro project. We are very happy to have Dan working on a new and exciting project for Artefactual.  

It means however that Dan is no longer working on AtoM. He will not be active in this google group going forward.  

I want to thank Dan for his years of tireless effort in the AtoM community. He has made enormous and invaluable contributions to Artefactual, to the AtoM project, and to this community. I can’t thank him enough.

With Dan’s move to a new role, Artefactual is changing the way we will engage in this forum. Our staff will no longer be providing technical support here. We will continue to participate in the forum, with a focus on providing a safe and active space for discussion and community making. 

We encourage other community members to help out where they see requests for technical help from new users. And we encourage the use of this forum to connect and create a community, not just as a place for technical support.

I will post more on this topic, starting with an invitation to those who are interested in improving and sustaining the AtoM community, in another thread.

Thank you again Dan.


Justin Simpson
Managing Director
Artefactual Systems Inc.

Dan Gillean

May 17, 2024, 8:56:59 AM5/17/24
Thank you to everyone in this community for helping to make the AtoM project great! 

I have tried in my time stewarding this project to leave it better than I found it, and as I turn my attention to new and exciting development projects at Artefactual, I will point at a few resources on my way out the door: 
  • If you haven't seen it yet, please review the Expression of Interest forum thread that Justin posted following this announcement. For us to be able to focus on developing new projects, we need to ensure that our existing projects and their communities can thrive - and that can only happen if we are all helping each other. There are many ways to contribute to the AtoM project and community, and many of them do not require any experience with code or development. Édith Viau, our new Contributor Success Specialist, can help you figure out the best way to become involved. Details in the thread! 
  • If you are here for troubleshooting purposes such as 500 errors, start here --> I made a roundup post of common causes and solutions. Be sure to check the documentation's Troubleshooting page as well! 
  • Chances are someone else has previously encountered a similar issue to you! Try searching the forum - I have also added topical labels over the last number of years to better support searching. You can see the list of tags on the left side of the forum's web page, or on our wiki here. There's also an FAQ label for common questions and answers, and labels can be combined - for example, searching label:FAQ label:500-error label:ugprades will return all posts with the tags "upgrades," "500-error," and "FAQ". You can also use the prefix tag: instead of label:
  • If you've created your own useful AtoM resources for your organization, consider sharing them if  you think they might help or inspire others! There's a Community Resources section on our wiki, and anyone can register for an account and make changes there. 
  • Don't forget we also have slides from training camps and conference presentations on our SlideShare account! 
I hope that others here will step forward, help each other, and also use this space to share success stories, creative workarounds, discuss thorny issues in the domain, and more. Regardless, it has been a pleasure to serve such a vibrant community in this role over the last decade. You'll likely still see me pop in from time to time, but my focus will be shifting to new work, and Artefactual will be changing how it manages the forums from here, to better allow us to focus on that work. I'm excited for the future of AtoM, Artefactual, and the archival profession as each continues to grow and evolve. 

Cheers and so long! 

Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
Business & User Experience Analyst
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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Jim Adamson

May 24, 2024, 7:38:09 AM5/24/24
to AtoM Users
It goes without saying that Dan will be sorely missed in this group, having always been there in AtoM users' times of need.

Dan has been hugely helpful to myself and to colleagues here at the University of York, over many years, and I attribute much of the success of our AtoM instance ( to Dan.

I have a lot of admiration for Dan's perseverance and patience in the face of user reports that are often scant in detail, sometimes requiring a tremendous amount of unpicking.

I hope you enjoy your new role, Dan, best of luck for the future, and a big THANK YOU from us at the University of York!

Thanks, Jim

Johan Pieterse

May 26, 2024, 2:09:24 PM5/26/24
to AtoM Users
I will miss Dan. Being part of this group (previously very active) and now being back in full force, his expertise was always of the highest standard.

I am waiting eagerly for the invitation to help improve and make AtoM sustainable.

Plain Sailing Information Systems (AtoM support and maintenance)

Justin Simpson

May 26, 2024, 6:21:00 PM5/26/24
Hi Johan,

The invitation to express interest in helping to improve and sustain the AtoM community is in this other google group thread

There is a small form to fill out or you can email if you prefer.


Justin Simpson
Managing Director
office: 604-527-2056

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Johan Pieterse

May 26, 2024, 7:18:16 PM5/26/24
Thanks Justin I completed it.


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Subject: Re: [atom-users] Re: Artefactual Announcement
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