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Consulta importación de registros a AtoM

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Rosibel Barboza Quirós

Feb 17, 2023, 11:11:21 AM2/17/23

Hola a todos, saludos desde Costa Rica


Les comento que estamos haciendo importación de registros en AtoM, y nos dado el siguiente error,


¿Esto se puede corregir de alguna forma? ¿O debemos volver a un respaldo anterior a esa importación, borrar los registros?


Muchas gracias, saludos,


Rosibel Barboza Quirós

Coordinadora | Unidad de Organización y Control de Documentos

Departamento de Archivo Histórico | Archivo Nacional | T: (506) 2283-1400, ext. 277

Archivo Nacional, institución esencial para la vida en democracia



Dan Gillean

Feb 21, 2023, 2:46:56 PM2/21/23
Hi Rosibel, 

Sorry for the delay in following up. I am still hoping to get input from some of our system administrators because I vaguely remember seeing this type of looping error before, but cannot recall how it was resolved. I will follow up if I learn more. 

In the meantime: if you have a backup then yes, I would recommend loading it - this will avoid any data corruption issues. Additionally, if your installation is not already up to date, you might consider upgrading to version 2.7.1 for two main reasons: 
  • First, if the looping error was in fact an application bug, there is a good chance we have resolved it in the latest release. I have not yet been able to find a specific issue ticket that describes this problem, but we did add a lot of improvements to the import code and the job scheduler in 2.7. Additionally...
  • 2.7 includes a CSV validator, which can be used to make sure a CSV is well formed before importing it. This would help you determine if the problem is related to the data
If you are not able to upgrade, and it's too late to load a backup, here are some additional options: 

First, I would recommend you check for data corruption from this import. We have a query in our Troubleshooting documentation that can check for the most common forms of data corruption - see: 
The documentation also offers suggestions on how to fix these common issues if you find one. 

In general, I would recommend running most of the maintenance tasks in our Troubleshooting docs, as these can help resolve many common problems, such as: 
  • Clearing the application cache
  • Restarting PHP-FPM
  • Rebuilding the nested set
  • Generating slugs
  • Repopulating the search index
  • Restarting the job scheduler and resetting its fail counter
There are links for all of these tasks from the Troubleshooting page:
You could also try restarting MySQL to deal with the transaction lock problem: 
  • sudo systemctl restart mysql
Other ideas: 
  • Carefully double-check your data and make sure it conforms to the CSV import recommendations
  • If it's possible, break the CSV up into smaller imports - for example, import the fonds and 1 series in the first CSV, then use the qubitParentSlug column to import the next series as children of the fonds, etc. 
  • Make sure that your CSV uses UTF-8 character encoding, unix-style line endings, and double quotes as field separators - i.e. be careful using Microsoft Excel as it does not use these things by default, while LibreOffice Calc does. See also this section of the docs
Good luck, and let us know how it goes!


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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rosibel barboza quiros

Mar 17, 2023, 4:13:18 PM3/17/23
to AtoM Users

Estimado Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager

Reciba un cordial saludo. Con el fin de retroalimentarnos le comento como nos fue con el error mencionado:

.          - Un compañero de TI logró hacer el borrado de registros erróneos en AtoM.
.    El error se dio por colocar “ES” mayúscula para decir español en el campo Language del csv de la norma Isad-g y no “es” en minúscula.
.    Las demás importaciones resultaron exitosas con la corrección del lenguaje y se hicieron, como lo indicas, en tractos más pequeños, no más de 3 mil registros cada una.
.    Estamos trabajando para el cambio de versión a 2.7
.    Ahora cada vez que hacemos importaciones, mi compañero de TI hace un respaldo para eventualmente en caso de presentar algún error los registros importados, poder devolvernos a ese respaldo, evitando con ello la pérdida de información.

Muchas gracias por su respuesta.


 Rosibel Barboza Quirós

Coordinadora | Unidad de Organización y Control de Documentos

Departamento de Archivo Histórico | Archivo Nacional de Costa Rica | T: (506) 2283-1400, ext. 277

Archivo Nacional, institución esencial para la vida en democracia

Dan Gillean

Mar 20, 2023, 8:27:05 AM3/20/23
Hola Rosibel, 

I am so happy to hear that you were able to resolve the issue. Thanks for the update and for letting us know what worked! 


Dan Gillean, MAS, MLIS
AtoM Program Manager
Artefactual Systems, Inc.
he / him

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