job file character limit, and accessing the plotter from the Unix port?

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Stewart Russell

Aug 8, 2021, 3:48:08 PM8/8/21
to IBM1130

From the simh4 repo, I modified the 'job' script so it would write the line printer out to a new file:

detach prt
delete %1.lst

att dsk dms.dsk
att prt %1.lst
att cr %1.job
boot dsk

det prt
view %1.lst

Unfortunately, this seems to limit me to job names of three characters or fewer, If I try with four or more, I get a "File open error":

sim> do job fcym
/home/scruss/c/ibm1130/sw/job-2> detach prt
Unit not attached
/home/scruss/c/ibm1130/sw/job-3> delete fcym.lst
No such file or directory: fcym.lst
/home/scruss/c/ibm1130/sw/job-6> att prt fcym.lst
PRT: creating new file
/home/scruss/c/ibm1130/sw/job-7> att cr fcym.job
File open error

Am I stuck with three letters for job scripts?

Also, is there a way under the Linux/Unix port to access the plotter? I don't mind if it writes raw motor steps to a file or something equally low-level: I'm sure I can convert it to useful plotter output somehow.


Eddy Quicksall

Aug 8, 2021, 6:58:56 PM8/8/21

What does this run under? It does not look like standard 1130 //job nor does it look like CYTOS.



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Aug 9, 2021, 9:55:06 PM8/9/21
Hi Stewart,

What build of ibm1130.exe are you using? (What date on the .exe file for example, and what does the show version command print?)

It's working for me with four or more letters, but, on a Windows build, and version V3.8-0

When I run the script in verbose mode, with e.g. do -v trig my version does not print the script file name and line number when echoing the commands, just do> 
For example

sim> do -v trig
do> det prt
do> det cpu
do> del trig.lst
do> del trig.log
do> att dsk dms.dsk
do> att prt trig.lst
PRT: creating new file
do> att cr trig.job
do> boot dsk

let me know where you got the executable and.or source and I'll take a look.



Stewart Russell

Aug 10, 2021, 9:33:42 PM8/10/21
to IBM1130
On Monday, August 9, 2021 at 9:55:06 p.m. UTC-4 Brian Knittel wrote:

What build of ibm1130.exe are you using? (What date on the .exe file for example, and what does the show version command print?)

IBM 1130 simulator V4.0-0 Current
        Simulator Compiled as C arch: x64 (Release Build) on May 26 2021 at 15:29:45
        git commit id: e7169d48
        git commit time: 2021-05-15T15:24:27-0700


Aug 11, 2021, 1:15:39 AM8/11/21
Hmm. The latest Windows binary from simh/Win32-Development-Binaries is a Windows x86 build of V4.0-0 Current and it does work OK.
So, this may well be a Unix and/or x64 issue. I don't have much experience debugging Unix applications. (And the latest Visual Studio Code
on Windows 10 with the Linux subsystem is entirely integrated from, what I understand)

What happens when you don't use % substitution, but put this into a file named e.g. fcym_script

detach prt
delete fcym.lst
att dsk dms.dsk
att prt fcym.lst
att cr fcym.job
boot dsk
detach prt
views fcym.lst

and type
do fcym_script

Does that work?

If that doesn't work, how about typing those commands directly line by line.

And, can you show me the full output of SHOW VERSION? 

Re: the plotter, at this point the plotter supports just generating a bitmap image, if the gd library source is used.

The plotter device could easily be extended to write x/y steps and pen up/down steps to a file or tty device, and from there you could interface to a real plotter fairly easily either with a program or e.g. arduino.

If you come up with a protocol, LMK what you'd like to see and we can write it.  The output I guess could be simply letters for the 8 compass points and pen up, pen down, right?
The 1130 just outputs bits that raise or lower the pen, and increment or decrement X or Y. Shifted right 10 bits, the interface writes combinations of these bits:
1 Raise Pen
2 Increment Y
4 Decrement Y
8 Decrement X
16 Increment X
32 Lower pen

You could add 64 and get a reasonable ASCII letter:

1130 Bits Add 64 ASCII Command
1 65 A Raise pen
2 66 B +Y
4 68 D -Y
8 72 H -X
10 74 J -X +Y
12 76 L -X -Y
16 80 P +X
18 82 R +X +Y
20 84 T +X -Y
32 96 ` Lower pen

making it very easy to recover the original bit controls, or, to interpret them into other commands. You'd get a stream of these characters: A B D H J L P R T and `.
Or you could just use the letters A..J

Would this do what you are looking for?


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Carlos Abramo

Aug 11, 2021, 8:59:41 AM8/11/21
Stewart, is it possible for you to share your latest build?
Thanks and regards,

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