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Re: Running WebSphere with JProbe

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Jun 30, 2017, 11:53:39 PM6/30/17
On Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 12:30:00 PM UTC+5:30, Dean Steptoe wrote:
> This was accomplised using WebSphere 2.02 on Windows NT version 4.0
> using IIS 3.0. When I try this on Solaris 2.6 with Netscape Enterprise
> Server 3.6 I will update these procedures.
> 0. Make sure WebSphere is set to run in out-of-process (stand alone)
> mode. Change ose.mode=in to ose.mode=out in the
> file. No other changes need to be made to your
> Stop any webservers that are running.
> 1. In the c:\program files\jprobe\jdk117\bin directory, make a copy of
> javai.dll called javai_g.dll
> 2. Create a batch file sets a CLASSPATH to inclue the JDK libraries,
> plus the JAR files required by WebSphere (shown below, you can change
> the c:\jdk11~1.7A to suit your system). On Windows NT the short,
> 8-character directory and file names must be used. WebSphere doesn't
> seem to like the long filenames. Use DIR /X from a command window to see
> the short filenames.
> set CLASSPATH=C:\JDK11~1.7A\lib\;
> C:\WEBSPH~1\APPSER~1\classes;
> C:\WEBSPH~1\APPSER~1\web\classes;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\lib\ibmjndi.jar;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\lib\ibmwebas.jar;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\lib\jndi.jar;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\lib\jsdk.jar;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\lib\jst.jar;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\x509v1.jar;
> <your_classes_here>
> (NB: That class path should be considered to be one line)
> 3. Set your path to include the libraries required by WebSphere, the JDK
> and JProbe profiler. Again, under Windows NT the short filenames must be
> used.
> set PATH=c:\winnt\system32;c:\winnt;
> c:\websph~1\appser~1\plugins\nt;
> c:\jdk11~1.7A\bin;c:\progra~1\jprobe\profiler
> (NB: That path should be considered to be one line)
> 4. Next, include the jplauncher command to start WebSphere with the
> appropriate parameters.
> jplauncher -jp_socket=localhost:4444
> -jp_snapshot_dir=c:\temp -mx100m -jp_vm=jdk11
> -jp_nowrapnative -noclassgc -jp_function=profile
> -jp_granularity=method -jp_finalsnapshot=performance
> 5. Make sure no other JVMs are currently running on your system
> 6. Run your batch file and then start the web server.
> 7. Run JProbe and connect to the JVM using the "Attach Remote" option.
> You can now interactively profile your servlets running under WebSphere.
> Filters should probably be set for the core Java and IBM classes, and
> use an external config file as well. I don't think it will be difficult
> to adapt these procedures to work with the Solaris versions of WebSphere
> and JProbe, or NT with Netscape servers.
> If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I'll try to help!
> Dean Steptoe
> ReserveAmerica, Inc.
> Milton, Ontario

How to download JProbe installable file
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