Bushido Bear is an action game developed by Spry Fox, the makers of the amazing Triple Town and Alphabear. The game's protagonists, as you might guess, are the same friendly bears that appear in all of their video games... but, this time they're armed to the teeth and ready to fight against any of the monsters that try to invade their forest.
You can play tons of different ninja bears, some of which have different special abilities that you can unlock. To attack, just slide your finger across the screen, tracing the direction that you want your bear to move in. But, it's important to keep in mind that your bear CAN'T touch the enemy. The objective is to pass by your enemy closely without hitting them with your swords.
As you play, you can complete missions and earn coins. With these coins you can make donations to the temple of the bears, which lets you unlock new bears and new weapons. Some of the weapons, additionally, will leave behind a very colorful trail as you slide your finger across the screen.
Bushido Bear is a very fun action game that has a control system that's perfect for touch screen devices and absolutely lovely graphics. Also, thanks to the different bears that you can unlock, you'll always have a good incentive for playing just one more game.