ARMY OFFICERS - Dedicated E Mail ID for specific query

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sarabjit grewal

Jul 24, 2015, 4:33:14 AM7/24/15

> DEAR ALL,I visited CDA ( O) Pune this
> morning and found that office of CDA(O) Pune has started
> dedicated e mail IDs for specific queries of Officers. They
> are as follows:-1) general query-p...@nic.in2)
> rank pay-pc...@nic.in3)
> ledger-p...@nic.inThe
> title itself should explain where to address your query.
> Officers can now raise their queries to a specific dedicated
> e mail ID to get answers faster. I had earlier
> circulated two separate lists of officers whose rank Pay
> part I and part II arrears have not been remitted for want
> of service particulars or bank particulars etc. There were
> 219 cases of 1986 rank pay arrears and 111 cases of post
> 1996 cases pending then. CDA(O) has made efforts to remit
> arrears in many cases after doing their own home work and
> locating details from records.But still few cases are
> remaining which I will be sending in first week of August
> 15. There may be cases of unfortunate deaths amongst them
> and widows are ignorant about this aspect and thus cases
> have remained unsettled. You must give vide
> publicity so that cases are resolved. With
> regards,Gp Capt S S Phatak(
> Retd)Pune.mob No :
> 09421003200. Tel No: 020-26331033 
>           020-26840442/440
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Jan 12, 2016, 3:29:00 AM1/12/16
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Jul 8, 2020, 6:03:35 AM7/8/20
sir majmmaj

Jul 8, 2020, 6:07:49 AM7/8/20
Maj A sumathi
NS 22062A sir unable to open My on line CDAO
Kindly help me out
Thank you mam
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