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Italicizing One Word in a Dashed Sentence

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Sarah-Elizabeth Deshaies

Jun 21, 2021, 6:33:18 PM6/21/21
to ibexexperiments
I have a self-paced reading study where I use the DashedSentence Controller. I have already collected data for one experiment, I would like to modify this experiment and add italics to a word in the sentence. My previous code was something like the following.

["1A","DashedSentence",{s:"I am NOT certain that we can inspire others to do the same."},"Question",{q:"Do you strongly agree or strongly disagree with the statement you just read?", leftComment: "Strongly Disagree", rightComment: "Strongly Agree"}],

However, I would like to add emphasis to the word "inspire" through italics. So the sentence would look something like the following when presented as a whole...

I am NOT certain that we can inspire others to do the same.

Keep in mind that each word will be presented one by one and disappear after the space bar is hit. 

Is adding italics to one word in the sentence even possible? I've tried simply adding <i>inspire</i> and <em>inspire</em> and they don't work, probably because I need to change something in the DashedSentence.CSS?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you in advance,

Jeremy Zehr

Jun 22, 2021, 2:31:44 PM6/22/21
to ibexexperiments
You can edit the file DashedSentence.js and replace .text with .html at lines 127 and 271 (the ones that have this.words in them) then you can use <i> or <em>

Sarah-Elizabeth Deshaies

Jun 22, 2021, 3:18:02 PM6/22/21
to ibexexperiments
Hi Jeremy,
Oh AMAZING! That totally worked! 
Thank you so much!

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