Permission Error when uploading a file

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Jannik Theodor Heyderhoff

Sep 23, 2021, 9:12:11 AM9/23/21
to ibexexperiments
Hello, it is me again hehe.
I was setting up my own Ibexfarm on one of my servers. I used an CentOs7 image for that purpose and installed everything according to this guide: It is Ibex 0.3.9  which I believe to be the latest version, right?

So the issue is that I cannot update my js files. When I try to upload an updated version of the same file I get an permission error.
I have no idea how I can change permissions on this docker because frankly I never used docker before using ibex. So what have I done wrong or what do I need to change?

Jannik Theodor Heyderhoff

Sep 23, 2021, 9:16:10 AM9/23/21
to ibexexperiments
Oh wait. I think you are not even supposed to change this but just add another file .... 
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