Scoring Question

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Oct 29, 2016, 2:11:10 PM10/29/16
to iAuditor Support

I would like to know if it is possible to do "OR" option for scoring instead of adding only in current version of Iauditor.

Below can be shown as an example:
Section 1 : 3 Questions
Section 2 : 4 Questions
Section 3 : 2 Questions

Normally, the scoring system would be 9/9 (i.e 100%) if all questions are answered with YES provided that YES is given 1 score. The function I need is any 1 out of 3 Qs in Section 1 answered with YES would give Section 1 having "1" score. Similarly, section 2 and section 3 would have total "2" score if any 1 out of 4 Qs in Section 2 and any 1 out of 2 Qs in Section 3 are answered with YES. 

As a result, if one question in each section is answered with YES, overall score of audit would be 3/3 (i.e 100%).

Looking forward to see your advice if "OR" option can be made by using logic in current version of Iauditor.



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