Citing data

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Susan Noble

Apr 25, 2014, 9:17:21 AM4/25/14
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacqueline Carter
Sent: 25 April 2014 14:16

Thanks Kate,

This reminds me of the UK Data Service data citation brochure (actually created when we were the ESDS).

We have this on our list of 'to update' and your slides could help. We're also after examples of those who cite data routinely and how it benefits them and their research - any examples gratefully received.


Dr Jackie Carter
UK Data Service: Director for Communications and Impact University of Manchester Q-Step Co-director ___________________________________
+44(0) 161 2756725 (Mon-Wed AM)
+44(0) 161 2754631 (Wed PM-Fri)
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Mimas and CCSR
University of Manchester

From: [] On Behalf Of Robin Rice
Sent: 25 April 2014 13:23
Subject: Re: library instruction module on citing data

Thanks, Kate!
On 24/04/2014 17:55, Katherine McNeill wrote:
Hi fellow SIGDC members,

At the meeting in Cologne, you'll recall that one of our goals was sharing instructional material, and that I said this might fit into a project that I was doing at work anyway. Well, I have completed my project and want to share my result.

I have just created a short (~5 minute) instructional module on citing data, for other librarians at my university to plug into library/information literacy/research methods instruction as appropriate (in PPT, attached). Again, it's not a whole presentation, but a series of slides that could be incorporated onto presentations on other topics.

I would be happy for others to re-use it. I think we had discussed having a place for things like this to live (not just in people's email inboxes), but don't think we've yet set something up (can't do everything); at the moment not sure that I want it so public as to go on our public site: http://www.

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