New SIGDC chair/meeting?

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Elizabeth Moss

May 21, 2014, 1:19:54 PM5/21/14

Dear SIGDC Members:

As you may recall, last year the SIGDC met during the 2013 IASSIST conference to discuss our activities. At that time, and again in July, we called for volunteers to chair or co-chair the SIGDC for the 2013-2014 term. No one was able to volunteer for the position.

Many of you know that in 2013 the Data Citation Synthesis Working Group formed, made up of representatives of organizations interested in bettering data citation practices. They reached consensus on the basic requirements needed for data citation across the sciences, and they spelled them out in their Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles.” The Principles were available for review and feedback earlier this year, and now the final version of the Principles is available for stakeholders in the worldwide research community to endorse. Two other groups related to the synthesis group have formed: the Data Citation Dissemination Group to publicize the Principles, and the Data Citation Implementation Group whose members are starting to operationalize the Principles.

As IASSIST 2014 approaches, it might be time for the SIGDC to decide if our role is subsumed by the activities of these groups, and that one or more people in the SIGDC should try to represent IASSIST by joining the invitation-only Data Citation Implementation Group. On the other hand, it may be that representing the interests of IASSIST members in the data citation movement requires the continuation of this interest group. 

Attached are the minutes of last year's SIGDC meeting, including the list of goals we discussed. The general themes were Education and Training; Information Clearinghouse; and Advocacy, which may or may not coincide with the goals of the DCIG and the DCDG. If any of you is a member of one or both of those groups, your input would be valuable to hear.

For now, we suggest someone volunteer to be chair or co-chair and call the next SIGDC meeting, presumably to take place in person in Toronto, or else via conference call or online meeting.

If you would like to volunteer to chair the SIGDC, please email Hailey and Elizabeth before Friday, May 30.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Moss and Hailey Mooney, 2012-2013 SIGDC co-chairs

2013 SIGDC meeting minutes.docx

Katherine McNeill

May 30, 2014, 2:59:56 PM5/30/14

I’ll just chime in to say that I think you are very wise in considering the Interest Group’s relationship with others and that maybe a good next step is to have IASSIST participate in this wider infrastructure.  I heartily agree with having an IASSIST rep. on the appropriate Force11 group (as to how that impacts the need for the interest group, I’m not sure).


Completely coincidentally (but fortuitously), the group leader listed for the Implementation Group (Tim Clark from Harvard) I just met at an event on Wednesday (the Dryad/Dataverse Community Meeting held at Harvard).  He was in promotion mode for the citation principles and was eager to hear that I was aware of them and encouraged me to become more involved, and has even since sent me a follow-up note.


By no means am I suggesting that I’m the most qualified person to be our rep., but if we do decide for IASSIST to seek an invitation to the group, I would be happy to circle back to him if that’s helpful.




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Robert R. Downs

May 30, 2014, 5:14:14 PM5/30/14
We really do not need to seek an invitation as I already am participating in the Force11 Data Citation Implementation Group. Therefore, if we decide that we do need a representative on that group, please let me know and I would be pleased to serve.

BTW, I will not be attending IASSIST 2014 due to travel constraints.



Robert R. Downs, PhD
Senior Digital Archivist and Senior Staff Associate Officer of Research
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN),
The Earth Institute, Columbia University
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