library instruction module on citing data

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Katherine McNeill

Apr 24, 2014, 12:55:12 PM4/24/14

Hi fellow SIGDC members,


At the meeting in Cologne, you’ll recall that one of our goals was sharing instructional  material, and that I said this might fit into a project that I was doing at work anyway.  Well, I have completed my project and want to share my result.


I have just created a short (~5 minute) instructional module  on citing data, for other librarians at my university to plug into library/information literacy/research methods instruction as appropriate (in PPT, attached). Again, it’s not a whole presentation, but a series of slides that could be incorporated onto presentations on other topics.


I would be happy for others to re-use it.  I think we had discussed having a place for things like this to live (not just in people’s email inboxes), but don’t think we’ve yet set something up (can’t do everything); at the moment not sure that I want it so public as to go on our public site:  If/when we have another place, I’m happy to put it there.


So, for now, feel free to re-use (I made it CC BY-NC)—either yourself or by doing the same thing that I am, passing it onto colleagues at your institutions for them to use as a module.  And please let me know if you have any feedback/suggestions ongoing.



Kate McNeill


From: [] On Behalf Of Mooney, Hailey
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 11:35 AM
Subject: IASSIST 2013 Conference SIGDC Meeting Minutes


Please send any additions or corrections to Hailey Mooney ( and Elizabeth Moss ( Thank you.


IASSIST SIGDC Annual Meeting Minutes

Tuesday 28 May 2013, 16:00-17:00, GESIS Building, Cologne, Germany


Present: Dave Haans, Michelle Hudson, Kate McNeill, Hailey Mooney, Elizabeth Moss, Ron Nakao, Mary Vardigan, Joachim Wackerow, Ryan Womack, Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen


Review of SIGDC charter and review of activities during the past year

  • IASSIST SIGDC email listserv for current awareness and discussion
  • Updated our list of data citation resources
  • Poked Zotero to add “dataset” (unfortunately, not in the latest update)
  • Local distribution of the Quick Guide to Data Citation after its release at IASSIST 2012
  • Organized panel of invited speakers at this conference: “Data Citations: Linking Literature to Data and Measuring Impact”


Brainstorming session to focus goals for the upcoming year raised these issues/ideas:

  • Need for more contact/follow-up with Zotero
  • IASSIST Quarterly special issue for Sue Dodd
  • Rethink scope and presence of our resources page
    • What is our purpose, especially in light of other very comprehensive resources like the CODATA Bibliography?
    • IASSIST can better focus on the social science perspective
    • We should add the date last updated and a defined scope statement
    • It should be set up so that others can add to it more easily
    • It should include data journals and/or policy statements in journals
  • Update the Wikipedia entry on data citations
  • Engage in outreach to research centers, such as sending Research Data Centers the SIGDC-authored Quick Guide to Data Citation
  • Follow up and keep up with outreach to style manuals
  • Focus on more training/instruction materials, such as training resources that can be easily repurposed by others. For example, module on how to cite data in a C.V., an instructional video, explain how citation is affected by the data context (e.g., primary vs. secondary data)
  • All of these ideas fit into three main themes for the group to potentially work on:
    • Education and Training
    • Information Clearinghouse
    • Advocacy


New chair or co-chairs

  • The terms for Hailey Mooney and Elizabeth Moss have ended. We are happy to help a new person(s) take on the chair or co-chair role. No one stepped forward at the meeting. We will need to solicit a new chair after the conference.


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Robin Rice

Apr 25, 2014, 8:22:38 AM4/25/14
Thanks, Kate!
For more options, visit

Robin Rice
Data Librarian
EDINA and Data Library
University of Edinburgh
@sparrowbarley (twitter)
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