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This Week's Dispatch and the June Edition of The Hawk

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Greg Orpen

Jun 2, 2013, 1:18:47 PM6/2/13
Attached is the June Edition of The Hawk.  Please see a few additional news and notes below.

All School News

Music Concert:  Tomorrow (Monday, June 3rd @ 7 pm) our Middle School Chorus and Band plus High School Chorus will be performing at the IACS Auditorium.  The event is free and open to the entire IACS community.

June Lunch Menu

The June lunch menu has been posted. If you would like to place a lunch order click here. 

IACA News:  The final IACA Meeting of the school year will be held at Wu Loon Ming, Billerica MA on Monday June 3rd from 6:30-8:30pm

Performing Arts News:  A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR AMAZING CHECK PLEASE CAST AND CREW!  What a wonderful weekend!  Thank you to all of the students and families who made the experience so special!  Special congratulations to our fantastic seniors.  We will miss you Eddie, Josh, Sophie, Andrew, Jeremy and Emma!  

The Performing Arts Program of Innovation Academy Proudly Presents
Drama Camp & Glee Camp 2013!

For students going into Grade 5 through 12 (Campers do not need to be IACS students.)

Drama Camp is 8:30-3:30July 8 through July 12 with a public performance on Friday night!

Glee Camp is 8:30-3:30July 15 through July 19

with a public musical, drama and dance production on Friday night!

Don’t miss your opportunity to shine on the IACS stage! See the registration at  

Middle School News

If you haven't turned them in already, this is a reminder that we would like all permission slips by this Monday, June 3rd for the 8th Grade Semi-formal happening on Friday, June 7th from 7:00-10:00 pm.  A copy is attached. Please fill out the form, include a check for $15 made out to IACA, and return all in an envelope to the main office. The party theme is Masquerade, but students do not need to buy or wear a mask - the dress code is outlined on the permission form. We are hoping to have the whole class attend this wonderful IACS tradition to celebrate the end of their middle school years.

We are also looking for 5th -7th grade parents to volunteer to chaperone during the event. You must be Cori checked. If interested, please contact Sheila Hingorani at

High School News

  • Grade 12: Caps & Gowns Distribution.  All seniors must attend a 2:30 meeting on Friday, June 7th to receive caps & gowns for graduation.
  • Grade 11 and 10:  All students were given field trip permission forms for a whale watch on Monday, June 17th.  Please turn in permission slips to your advisor or Ms. Burtch.
  • Grade 9:  All students were given a field trip permission form for a trip to Hampton Beach on Tuesday, June 18th.  Please turn in permission forms to your advisor.

Greg Orpen
High School Principal
Innovation Academy Charter School
72 Tyng Road
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
Phone: (978) 649-0432 x3141
Fax: 978-649-6337

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june hawk.doc.pdf
Eight Grade Semi permission form.docx
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