Parking Reminder: Due to recent parking constraints, we need to make an extra effort to insure that the reserved handicapped parking spots are readily available to those who have permission to use them. The only cars that should be using the handicapped spots are those cars with handicapped license plates or those families who have received a handicapped parking pass through the Health Office. These passes will have to be displayed on the dashboard for pick up and drop off. Most passes will require a doctor signed note stating that access to this area is medically necessary. Thank you for your cooperation; if you have any questions please call the Health office at x2104.
Please help 5th grader Keara Schmidt. Keara is currently running a pet supply drive for the MSPCA, a project she has arranged for her Girl Scout Bronze Award. You can help animals in need by donating non-perishable pet food, pet supplies, office supplies, cleaning supplies, and towels. Details of most wanted and needed items that you can donate are on a wish list attached to the box in the cafeteria. The drive runs until April 12th. For more information, go to Thank you for your support!
Middle school students who want to do robotics club should email Donna Harrington at This club will meet on Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-4:00, April 2nd, 9th, 23rd and 30th. The club meets in room 241 of the high school. Students will be working on projects to present at the annual Botball/Botfest contest and exhibition. Students can design their own project, which could be an artbotics project (art that responds to the viewer). The Botfest exhibit takes place at UMass Lowell Gymnasium on May 4th from 11:00-1:00. Some parents will be needed to supervise and all are encouraged to attend!
Worcester Museums Field trip for 7/8 grade Social Studies students in Homebases Brinker, O'Connor, Parks and Winfrey has been rescheduled (again!) to Thursday, April 11. We need chaperones on this new date! If you can chaperone on that day, please email Martha McLure at or Jason O'Neil-Willoughby at Attendance will be taken at 8:00 am on the buses that will be located at the end of the Middle School parking lot that day. Students will need a lunch, beverage, snack, and a notebook. Students may bring a camera. Pencils will be provided. No backpacks that day, please!
All School Survey: Thanks for your feedback on this year's Family Survey. We have closed the survey so that we can begin to review all of the feedback.Spring Athletics Meeting: The IACS athletics department is requesting that all parents who have a student athlete partcipating in Spring sports attend the Spring Sports Meeting on April 3rd at 630 in the IACS Auditorium.Athletics Surveys: Calling all Hawks! Our Athletic program builds student success through active participation, increased skill building, positive sportsmanship and teamsmanship. Parents, we need your input!Please use the following links to participate in our current athletic survey. We are currently planning for spring and fall program development and need to know student involvement. Thanks for your feedback!EXPANSION INITIATIVE UPDATE -- SPRING IS JUST AROUND THE CORNERHave you noticed the snow has melted off our track already? It's a sure sign of spring, and a reminder that it's time to get in shape and encourage our kids to be active. Join us on Thursday, May 16, 2013 for the 1st Annual Innovation Spring 5K and Fun Run. Registration details: the 5K is $25 and starts at 7pm; the FunRun is $10 and starts at 6:30. For more details, and to register on line, go to you don't run please join us to cheer on our runners, and to enjoy an evening out with family and friends. Adding to the festivities, we'll have a DJ and the Augusta Market food truck "Chicken on the Road". It is sure to be a great time! We need volunteers as well as sponsors -- if you have a family business that might sponsor, or you're interested in volunteering, please contact Carol Passarelli at Performance @ IACS: Through dance, video, monologue and story-circle, “No School” invites community members to share personal memories, think constructively together, and talk cross-generationally about the daily lived experience of our young people, asking:What scars and blessings do we carry from our years in school?How do our years in school shape our identities? Our social interations? Our sense of empowerment?How does the culture of school reflect socia values and vice versa?What should a 21st century school be and do?For more information, contact High School English teacher Lise Brody ( Round the Corner Movers is an intergenerational dance/peformance company that has been doing experimental work since 2005. You can learn more about them and “No School” at (See attached flyer for details)High School News
- High School Jr/Sr Prom: Plans were confirmed this week of the high school junior/senior prom. Details will be forthcoming regarding logistics (price, food/drink offerings, etc.), however the time/date/location have been confirmed:
When: Friday May 24, 2013Time: 6pm-11pmWhere: Sky Meadows Nashua, NH
- College Admissions Panel: Tuesday April 2nd @ 6:30 PM in the IACS auditorium, IACS Director of College Counseling Daniel Barr will be moderating a College Admissions Expert Panel of admissions deans and directors from UMass-Amherst, Providence College, Worcester State University, Boston College and Suffolk University. The purpose of the evening is not for each school to give “information sessions” about their own college, so it is just as ok if you have interest in the schools, no interest, or have no idea at this point! The panel will cover a range of assigned key topics from a variety of college perspectives. Topics include identifying personal needs and matching those needs with the right institution,financial aid and affording college, SAT optional colleges in the admissions process, the highly competitive private college...who gets in and WHY, the importance of getting involved in extra-curricular activities in high school coming to college without knowing what you want to study and lots more
IACA NewsComedy Night Fund-Raising Event: Join us for a night of laughs and great fun at 7pm on Friday, April 5, 2013, at the Billerica Hall of Elks. This year's show will feature live comedy by Boston Hysterical Society’s Peter Gross. The evening will include buffet dinner, cash bar, silent auction, 50/50 raffle, photo booth and lots of laughs. Tickets are $35 each or 2/$60 or better yet grab some friends and buy a table of 10 for $250. All proceeds to benefit the IACA in their efforts to support the students of Innovation Academy. For a preview of our growing list of silent auction items please go to or check us out on Facebook IACA. For questions or to purchase tickets, contact Heather Landis at 978-502-9450 or **This is an over 21 event***Hope to see you there!
Yankee Candle Fundraiser: Looking for the perfect gift for an upcoming birthday or Mother’s Day??? IACA will be having a Yankee Candle Fundraiser which will run from 3/22-4/5. (orders need to be into the main office by April 5th) Deliveries will be in the week of May 6th …in time for Mother's Day. There will be two $25 GameStop Gift cards given out for the largest dollar amount on a single order, one each MS and HS. Packets were delivered through HB/Advisory and there are extra order forms in the MS Office.
· Last Bash Party: If you are interested in helping with the graduation night Last Bash Party please contact Tracy Leedberg at
· We need a Dance Social Chairperson for the 2013-2014 school year. If you are interested in learning to run the dance socials please contact Lisa Reed at There are a few dances left to learn how to coordinate the dances
· 8th Grade Semi-Formal Volunteers Needed:. If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Kerry Wellenstein, .
· On April 1st, IACA will post a list of any person intending to run for office for the 2013-2014 school year in the IACA May elections. If you are interested in running for President, Vice President elect, Treasurer or Secretary, notify
Need Jury Volunteers: 6th & 8th grade have received their jury dates. We need many community members to volunteer as a member of a jury panel. If you can give an hour or more during the school day (juries start at 8:00 and go throughout the day until 4:00) this spring, please contact Paula Girouard: or stop by the main office.
Box Top Contest: Irish for More Boxtops: How many box tops can you collect in one month? We challenge you to collect as many box tops as you can by March 29th. The student collecting the most will win a prize! Winners will be chosen for 5/6, 7/8 and HS. Don’t forget to label your bags with your name and homebase/advisory so we can find you!! Hurry, all boxtops must be submitted by 3pm on March 29th.
E-Boxtops: Have you signed up at the Boxtops website? Well, why not? Did you know they have coupons for some of your favorite boxtop products? Or that they have a recipe for Orange Teriyaki Beef with Noodles? Yum-Yum! Well you must know about the games you can play to earn a boxtop for IACS, right? And by now you’ve already started using the links in the boxtop marketplace to shop at your favorite stores. I earned IACS $1 in e-boxtops today buying ink for my printer. Have you printed your February vacation photos yet? Use the Shutterfly, Snapfish, Target or Walgreens links to earn e-boxtops for your school. When you start making your summer travel plans don’t forget they have links for Hotwire, Orbitz, Seaworld and even some hotel chains. My sister in law is expecting her first child anyday now and I already have started perusing OshKosh B’Gosh, GAP, The Children’s Place and Babies R Us for cute outfits. My girls would rather I click the Justice, Aeropostale or American Eagle links. My hubby asked me to use the Walmart link to purchase some dog food and vacuum bags for our house. Aww the housework never ends. Whatever your need check out . Shop to the marketplace to peruse over 250 retailers or find a great recipe for dinner. Thank you for supporting the IACS!
Recycle and Earn Money for IACS!
IACA now has an alternate drop off location for Funding Factory donations. Funding Factory will accept Inkjet Cartridges, Toner Cartridges, Cell Phones, iPods/MP3 Players, Laptops, Digital Cameras, and GPS Devices. Turn your unwanted recyclable items into dollars for IACS! In addition to the MS lobby, we have a new location to drop off items: Chelmsford Storage Solutions, 296 Littleton Road in Chelmsford. See Karen Lowry. Questions? Contact Nancy Therrien:
Next IACA Meeting: Monday, April 8th 6:30 - 8:30pm In the Café
Greg Orpen
High School Principal
Innovation Academy Charter School
72 Tyng Road
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
Phone: (978) 649-0432 x3141
Fax: 978-649-6337
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