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This Week's Edition of the Dispatch

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Greg Orpen

May 18, 2013, 5:58:28 PM5/18/13
All School News

China Exchange Presentation: Come learn about teaching and learning in China- what is similar and different to education in the US?  Come hear about Mrs. Kapeckas' administrator exchange experience in China and our plans to host Mr. Yaolin Pei of Handan No. 31 Middle School next fall! This presentation will take place on Monday, May 20thin Rm. 207 at 5 pm

IACS Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast- May 22nd 
IACS would like to thank the many volunteers who help make IACS a great community! Please join IACS Executive Director, Walter Landberg for a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast May 22nd from 8-10 am

Are you missing your candle order?
One of our Yankee candle orders came in without a corresponding seller's name or contact information. They sold candles to: Erika F., Gary B., Fred H., Sally B., and Kevin M. If this sounds like your order to distribute, please notify the main office. 

Last Bash Fundraisers:  Faculty at both the Middle and High School are rallying to support the Class of 2013.    See the descriptions below and attached flyers.

  • Middle School Fundraiser -  Whiffle -  Mr Leedberg with a Whiffle?  If we can raise $1000 between May 22th  and May 29th this will be a reality!   Funds to support the Senior Bash and Make Mr. Leedberg's summer a little cooler!  All donations should be given to the Front Office in an envelope labeled "Whiffle - last bash".   Thanks for all your support.
  • High School Fundraiser - Priceless - Mr. Onos with Blue (or red hair)?  Mr. Weiss singing Gaga - Bad Romance???  Mr. Orpen Dressed as a Senior????   What alternate reality is this??? Any and all of these are possible with your help.  Our fabulous faculty have graciously consented to participate in this fundraiser for the senior last bash.  Funds collected between May 22nd and May 29th will be tallied.  If $200 is raised, on the last day of school Mr. Onos will be going red or blue depending on the mood. If $400 is raised Mr. Weiss will join in the fun by singing Lady Gaga's Bad romance.  And If $600 is raised then Mr. Orpen will also be dressing up as a member of the senior class (suggestions welcome).  Please help the last day of school and the senior bash both be priceless and memorable! 
All donations should be given to Tina Lindberg in an envelope labeled "Priceless - last bash".  Thanks for all your support.

Support Innovation Academy Athletics! Innovation Academy Charter School FAMILY night at the Lowell Spinners is scheduled for Wednesday, June 19th. This is the last day of school. No bus will be provided and parents are responsible for their own children. For tickets contact Bev Schultz via email at Don’t delay as tickets are sold on a first come first served basis and availability is limited. We have 100 tickets now reserved and they are going fast! Additional tickets will be sought, but are not guaranteed to be available. Please submit your ticket request by May 24th. Lowell Spinners will donate $1 for each person from our group that attends the game that night so we hope to see you at the ballpark. The donations will go to the IACS Athletic program. Please see attached flier for more information.

IACS DANCE TEAM SHOWCASE: Please join us on Tuesday June 4th from 4-5 pm in the Quonset Hut for an amazing dance show featuring the 2013 IACS dancers. There will be free refreshments, free raffle chances, and amazing performances by our dancers. All students, faculty and families welcome!

Performing Arts Updates:  A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR AMAZING CHECK PLEASE CAST AND CREW!  What a wonderful weekend!  Thank you to all of the students and families who made the experience so special!  Special congratulations to our fantastic seniors.  We will miss you Eddie, Josh, Sophie, Andrew, Jeremy and Emma!  

The Performing Arts Program of Innovation Academy Proudly Presents
Drama Camp & Glee Camp 2013!

For students going into Grade 5 through 12 (Campers do not need to be IACS students.)

Drama Camp is 8:30-3:30July 8 through July 12 with a public performance on Friday night!

Glee Camp is 8:30-3:30July 15 through July 19

with a public musical, drama and dance production on Friday night!

Don’t miss your opportunity to shine on the IACS stage! See the registration at  

          Please consider joining us for auditions for:

The Hit Broadway Musical,

Grease, Student Edition!

Performed with special permission by Samuel French, Inc.

Written by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey

Students currently in grades 8-11:

    In the auditorium: Thursday, May 30, 3:00-4:00 AND Friday, May 31, 3:00-4:00

**You must attend both audition days! This has been cleared with coaches!**

Students currently in grades 5-7:    Friday, June 7

Let your homebase teachers know, then go to first lunch, and then head to the auditorium for auditions during recess and SSR!

In order to audition you will need a signed audition agreement, available at  

No experience or preparation needed!

Just come to the auditorium and prepare to have fun!

Middle School News

Middle School Art Show  - May 31, 7 -9 pm Students in grades 5 - 8 will display  work in a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, photography, stop-motion animation, and more!  Hope to see you there!

IMPORTANT CORRECTION: The 8th grade Semi-formal date was incorrect in the May Hawk; the correct date is Friday, June 7th.

High School Orientation for 8th Grade Students/Families:  All IACS 8th Grade students and parents are asked to attend brief overview our high school program.    Topics will include: course offerings, schedules, advisory program, extracurriculars, and much more.  The session last one hour on the following dates:

Monday, May 20th at 5 pm.
Wednesday, May 29th at 5 pm
Thursday, May 30th at 3:30 pm
Monday, June 3rd at 5 pm
Thursday, June 6th at 3:30 pm

Please email Kathleen Feeney ( to reserve a spot.

The Middle School Yearbook is still available to order until May 31st at the regular price of $23! Forms are available at the front office, Peggy's desk and can be printed by HB Teachers. Don't wait until the last minute, order your yearbook NOW and have and have cherished memories of 2012-2013 at IACS.
For questions, contact Peggy Stephens-North @

High School News

  • Exhibition Night:  This spring's High School Exhibition Night will occur from 6 pm to 8 pm.  The event is open to the public, as the event is designed to be a celebration of student work.  
  • Junior/Senior Prom Final Reminders:   All IACS students should have already purchased their tickets for this Friday's Prom at Sky Meadow Country Club in Nashua, NH.   Please note that school attendance that day is mandatory from the hours of 8 am to 12:30 pm.  Students who have purchased tickets may be excused at 12:30.   Additional questions should be directed to Tina Linberg.


IACA Basket Raffle: Last call for basket raffle donations! You still have untilMonday, May 20th to donate items for the baskets. Thank you to all that have rallied this last week to support this raffle! We need help assembling the basketson Tuesday evening at 6pm in the Library. Please contact Michele if you can help or with questions about the baskets.

Need DJ’s: The Middle School dance committee is recruiting volunteer DJ’s for the 2013- 2014 school year. Please e-mail Lisa Reed at if you are interested in becoming a DJ for the middle school dances. Training is provided. The commitment includes ensuring prior, to the night of the dance, that DJ equipment and components are in storage, arriving at the school on the evening of the designated dance at 6:15, setting up the equipment (with assistance) playing music/dance games, giving out prizes, having fun and then, at the end of the evening, breaking down and storing the equipment.

The IACA would like to thank the parent chaperones and the many food/drink donations we received for the May 10 7/8 grade dance. We had another successful fun night for all who attended. We look forward to doing it all again next year.

Upcoming Events and Volunteer Opportunities!

*8th Grade Moving Up and HS Graduation Reception:If you are interested in helping with the HS Graduation reception or the 8th grade moving up ceremony please contact Lori,

*Dance Social Chairperson: Lisa Reed has agreed to chair the Middle School dance socials for next year! Thanks Lisa! She is look to train someone to take on the chairperson position for the 2014-2015 school year. If you are interested in learning to run the dance socials please contact Lisa Reed at


*End of the Year BBQ: The end of the year Barbeque will be held on Wednesday, June 19th. Please see the attached flier for more details and contact Kerry Wellenstein: to volunteer or if you have questions.

*Last Bash Party: If you are interested in helping with the graduation night Last Bash Party please contact Tracy Leedberg at

Also see the attached donation form and details on the celebration.

*8th Grade Semi-Formal Volunteers Needed:.The 8th Grad Semi-Formal will be held on Friday Evening June 7th from 7-10pm. Look for permission slips to be sent home on May 3rd and are due back on May 24th. There will also be an invitation sent out on May 17th. If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Kerry Wellenstein, .


*Hospitality Chair- We are looking for a Hospitality Chair for the 2013-2014 School year. The Hospitality chair is responsible to greet new parents at open houses and Expositions as an IACA representative while you pass out baked goods, water and information contact


Labels for Education:Thanks for submitting your Labels for Education. Our points in the Label for Educations program allowed us to
expand on the recess equipment with some new dodge balls. If you have more Labels for Education there is a
box in the cafe.


Need Jury Volunteers: 6th & 8th grade have received their jury dates. We need many community members to volunteer as a member of a jury panel. If you can give an hour or more during the school day (juries start at 8:00 and go throughout the day until 4:00) this spring, please contact Paula Girouard: or stop by the main office.

 Box Top Contest: Baseball for Boxtops! Spring has sprung and the annual IACS boxtop baseball competition has begun! We have 16 homebases and 26 advisories all vying for the title of “2013 Boxtop Champions”. Our returning Champions, Homebase Gandhi led by the fearless Mr. Maier, will be hard to beat but anything can happen! Search your cabinets, talk to your grandparents, put a collection box in your parents’ workplace. Collect those boxtops!!!

How to play:Submit your boxtops with your name and Homebase/Advisory in the cafeteria Monster box.

Every 25 boxtops = a base.

Every 100 boxtops = a run.

The team with the most runs scored by June 7th will be the winner and will receive a prize! Check the bulletin board in the cafeteria for an update on scores. Go Team IACS!!!!

The Fundraising committee would like to thank the IACS community for making IACA’s Comedy Night and Silent Auction such a success. By joining us at the event, making donations, and bidding high and often on Silent Auction Items, we were able to raise over $10,000 to benefit the students of IACS. These funds will be used as seed money for clubs, to provide funding for scholarships and to support the social and academic enrichment of our students. I would like to thank those who helped set up at the event, those who baked for the dessert trays and especially Annie, Paula, Lori, Beverly, Michelle, Val and Jamie who spent the evening working with me to make the event a fun time for all who attended. Thank you, Heather Landis IACA Fundraising Chair

Greg Orpen
High School Principal
Innovation Academy Charter School
72 Tyng Road
Tyngsboro, MA 01879
Phone: (978) 649-0432 x3141
Fax: 978-649-6337

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HS senior bash fundraiser.pdf
IACS poster last bash MS.pdf
2013 BBQ flier.doc
Last bash 2013 donation form.pdf
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