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台美史料中心T. A. Archives

Jul 2, 2024, 5:58:31 PM (8 hours ago) Jul 2
to i_love_taiwan
宣傳台美人紀錄片工作坊報名資訊--Call for Entries - CTS Documentary Workshop at UCSD - T. A. Archives 台美史料中心


July 2024 Edition (#113)

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宣傳UC San Diego台美人紀錄片工作坊報名資訊-台美史料中心




     Happy July 4th! 台美史料中心感謝各方的祝福和支持,本期協助宣傳UCSD台美人拍攝計畫工作坊:






Contact email: in...@tah.foundation





Grand Narrative -Documentary Workshop at Center of Taiwan Studies at UCSD



Dear Friends,

    Happy July 4th! Thank you for your support to TA Archives. We are thrilled to promote the UC San Diego Center for Taiwan Studies Documentary Workshop, a key component of the Grand Narrative Project. The Project focuses on preserving the memory of the first generation Taiwanese American Immigrants. This workshop aims to provide essential filmmaking skills and offer young participants a unique opportunity to connect with their roots. The workshop is entirely FREE and sponsored by the UC San Diego Center for Taiwan Studies and its generous donors. Participants will have access to camera packages and receive comprehensive editing training. At the end of the workshop, you will take home a film and a chance to win cash prizes!

    The Center for Taiwan Studies (CTS) at UC San Diego will host a series of summer workshops on Documenting Taiwanese/Taiwanese American Grandparents' Lives and Works. The workshops are part of Taiwanese American History and the TAH Who's Who Project, in conjunction with several established organizations, including San Diego’s Asian Film Festival. Participants will be able to work with world-renowned filmmakers, and their documentaries will be shown at a variety of film festivals worldwide, with three of them receiving the CTS jurors' awards each year.

Please see the link below for more information:



   If you would like to share stories to all Taiwanese Americans, please send your articles and stories to us. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at this email address


The contact email: in...@tah.foundation


Best Regards,

TA Archives Team


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