Hi again Chuck,
I could not resist to measure the the delay of the start of a DIT at the input of sineCW60 to the start of the DIT at its output.
KEYED TIME SETTING is "NOT DELAYED", Pitch is 1300 Hz, sample rate has been 44.1 kHz. The square wave at the input is at about 4 kHz.
Sound card is the Behringer UCA222 (which I once bought according to your recommendation -- a great, great card for this kind of experiments)
The upper recording is the left channel at the input (square wave), the lower recording is the right channel (sine)
of the output.
The delay is about 20 samples, or 20/44100 seconds = about 500 us :)
Recording has been done with the module "WaveRecorder", a module of SynthEdit, which temporarily had been added
to the sineCW60 structure (circuit).