Raspberry Pi4 iAMBIC CW KEYER - using a TLC555, paddles & 3 apps

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Chuck Vaughn

Aug 6, 2022, 3:35:31 PM8/6/22
to iCW - internet CW

SETUP a TLC555 is sending out its OSCILLATOR continuously, the 555 hot lead goes to the PADDLE GROUND the DIT HANDLE goes to the LEFT SOUND CARD LINE INPUT (center) the DAH HANDLE goes to the RIGHT SOUND CARD LINE INPUT (center) inside the Pi, two instances of TRIGGER MIDI mono are setup... https://lsp-plug.in/?page=manuals&section=trigger_midi_mono so that when one or the other or both....are getting more than their threshold setting of the TLC555 OSCILLATOR's audio...from either the LEFT CHANNEL LINE INPUT or the RIGHT CHANNEL LINE INPUT, it causes them to send out either a midi note ZERO or midi note ONE for the duration of the paddle press the next APP is the SOFTWARE CW IAMBIC KEYER from AD5DZ https://github.com/recri/keyer when the midi input of RECRI KEYER's iambic keyer app receives midi note zero...it sends out DITs for the duration of the paddle press when it receives a midi note ONE, it sends out DAHs for the duration of the paddle press ... and when it receives both zero and one...it sends out dit/dah/dit/dah etc for the duration of the paddle press NOTE: the TLC555 is powered by the pi's own power supply, 3.3v from the appropriate gpio pins NOTE: this setup does not require the use of an additional SBC board, ie TEENSY USB MIDI BOARD...since the 555 and the TRIGGER MIDI MONO apps are providing the MIDI CW KEYING DATA to the RECRI KEYER, AD5DZ's iambic cw keyer app
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