Mumble Voice Chat HD audio 10Khz LSB VOiCE & 16Khz - 20Khz 'WHITE NOISE' QRQ CW: utilize VLF BAND/iP

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Chuck Vaughn

May 9, 2023, 9:41:19 AM5/9/23
to iCW - internet CW

10Khz wide HD AUDIO voice @10Khz LSB(LOWER SIDEBAND) 4Khz wide WHITE NOISE QRQ CW at 16Khz to 20Khz utilizing the FULL VLF band over iP on MUMBLE VOICE CHAT on the iCW SERVER APPS used in this demo: - RECRI KEYER to perform the LOWER SIDE BAND SDR work: - WHITE NOISE GENERATOR - LSP OSCiLLATOR MONO and LSP SiDECHAiN GATE MONO 1. LSP SIDECHAIN MONO 2. LSP OSCILLATOR MONO WHiTE NOiSE CW METHOD: instead of using a single sine wave oscillator a WHITE NOISE GENERATOR is used instead and filtered to only allow 16Khz to 20Khz white noise to be generated... the white noise is keyed by ZAMGATE SIDECHAIN GATE and a 5ms rise/fall time is put onto the VLF white noise zamgate output & goes to mumble input... at 16Khz to 20Khz, the OPUS CODEC does not do very well for preserving the quality of a sine wave cw tone , so instead, a wideband WHITE NOISE is used for the CW "TONE" and on MUMBLE RECEIVER, is decoded by LSP APPs ... the 4Khz wide white noise seems to have enough stability of volume over mumble at that VLF freq spread, to activate reliably, the LSP SIDECHAIN / LSP OSCILLATOR CW REGENERATION RE-KEYING method, from the MUMBLE RX...
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