another example and test of using Interrupt CW MODE, rEvErSe iMaGe mOrSe cOdE over Mumble , this time using an interrupted sine sweep carrier

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Chuck Vaughn

Sep 10, 2024, 10:54:37 AM9/10/24
to iCW - internet CW
mumble on RX, has a tendency to produce full volume audio spikes that can wreck the ears...
Mumble's internal coding engines can also squash down CW AUDIO TONEs
since they are using the same frequency pitch all the time, (? mumble thinks it is noise and needs to be rid of ? ) etc...
however, by using INTERRUPT CW MODE, rEvErSe iMaGe mOrSe cOdE via a sine sweep continuous carrier from 100 hz to 1000 hz & back,
the full volume RX audio spikes(from opus audio encoding/decoding packet issues)
and the down-VOLUMiNG of steady state sine wave tones are virtually eliminated the riCW interrupt cw mode method utilizes on TX & RX, a regate sidechain DUCKing VST plugin

Sep 10, 2024, 3:49:20 PM9/10/24
to iCW - internet CW
Hi Chuck,
that's an efficient way to correct annoying glitches/crackles.

A while ago, I experimented a bit with Sonobus and Morse Code there.

My impression was that Sonobus is much better suited for CW signals.

I assume, that systems like Mumble, Zoom, Skype etc. are constantly optimized for the best SPEECH transfer quality.

In contrast, Sonobus, meant for jamming musicians from all over the world, seems not to try to "improve" : ) the signals and maintains the original sounds of the artists.

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