this audio business on windows can be most frustrating indeed...
1st thing i would check is windows sound properties, list of sound cards on your playback and recording properties tab...
does the play3usb sound card have the same sample rate and bitrate should be 48k sample rate/16 bit(at least for this test)
mumble operates at 48khz sample rate then check the LEVEL SLIDERs on both make sure they are turned up all the way(sliders to the right)
then double check and see if your play3usb is the DEFAULT AUDIO DEVICE for both playback and recording on the sound properties play3 sound card options...
UNcheckmark on your play3usb sound card windows sound properties recording tab,
LISTEN TO THIS DEVICE ===> that method has WAY too much latency....for monitoring cw sidetones injected into the usb sound card's mic input...
CHECK RECEIVE on your play3 sound card,
1st by going to youtube pick out a person speaking where you can see their lips moving
how is the volume level ? how is the lip sync when watching a LIVE TALK VIDEO to check for latency issues
of someone moving their lips talking while visually looking and audibly listening for LIP SYNC timing accuracy...
if that is good...
then bring up mumble, take it OFF of EXCLUSIVE WASAPI MODE and use share wasapi mode(for now) using your play3usb sound card...
have someone you know meet you there in a mumble channel and see if you can hear them(sometimes their volume may not be too loud
compared to what you hear on you can adjust your mumble output volume slider(advanced mode settings) to increase it up to 2x...
can you hear them ok now ?
after this is A-OK, then i will be able to suggest some tests for sending CW into your play3usb for near zero latency sidetone monitoring
while at the same time, sending your cw sidetone into the mumble input...
hope this helps