Homebrew GEAR to create an LF BAND CW TRANSCEIVER
- LPAM AM TRANSMITTER modulated by AFCW from a key'D TWIN-T CPO
- TRF RECEIVER picks up the 64Khz AM signal from the other OP(s) decodes it and sends it to the SPEAKER/HEADPHONEs
SONOBUS is the "ANTENNA" & *LF RF propagation medium*
LF RF over IP https://sonobus.net/
all sound cards of all participants must have a sound card operating at 192Khz to be able to send and receive a 64Khz signal over ip
soundcard is only used to SEND and RECEIVE the 64Khz AM signal over an APP ie *SONOBUS* - that is capable of using a sample rate of 192Khz...
- the homewbrew gear does the 64Khz AM ENCODE and DECODE work